[QUOTE="SecretPolice"][QUOTE="Grive"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"] He could have played Halo CE on the PC , which did indeed have full Online.
In which case he would've failed. Playing a game two years after it's out is hardly conductive to realizing it's true value. I could say Doom is a lackluster game because I played Doom 64 or Doom XBLA. I wouldn't be particularly bright if I did, would I?
I tryed and gave him the benefit of the doubt in the past but this guy is a bitter hermit who just cant get over the fact that Bungie was purchased by MS and brought into the MS/Studios and Halo instead of going to PC where hermits sat on the edge of thier seat following every bit of news ( I was one of them ) on the game anticipating the release for years. Instead ended up on Xbox and was criticaly acclaimed by 99.99999% of the gaming media - yet now a Rabid hermit such as he must strike out at Halo & MS and his poor feelings were hurt - friggin boo hoo - buy a 350.00 console and get the heck over it !
Are you talking about me? Considering I have a 360 ... and your just bitter because you get shreded to peices by multiple people in each thread, heck you even started sucking up "Pc is great blah blah blah" after losing.
I like Halo ... and your 99% crtically aclaimed is laughable.
You, as a fan of gaming is laughable ! Go ahead - quote some media in 2002 that were not praising Halo on Xbox - I'll wait.
As for sucking up to PC's - that statement alone qualifies you as a bitter one hit wonder and only supports one system - the PC.
You say " I like Halo " - hmm - I bet like anyone else reading you're dribble; We sure have a hard time finding that statement true as expressed in you're posting on the topic - though I nailed you and indeed you do like Halo but just have to bash the game when compared to you're rabid love of PC's.
Try looking at things without the PC goggles on, as yes, I like PC too but I also like 360 - I know what someone like yourself thinks - How could he ?
Get over it dude - It's a game platform that is giving me as a gamer something I want and I dont have to feel like I'm abandoning my PC roots !
PC gaming as far as GS/SW rules go and which you infer my PC love is the KING of S.W. concering sales, AAA's, AA's ect.
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