1.) I already stated that the game I was refurring to is published by Microsoft. I am fully aware that there are many games that are not and in their particular case are not part of the dissension of various people which in this case involve the exclusivity between the three major console developers.
2.) The publisher doesnt recieve any money on the PC? Not a very good marketing move tbh.
3.) I know, but they do own the OS that is needed to play their games, and I am only refuring to Games for Winows when I say that a MS OS is needed, I am also aware of third party software that allows you play these games across multiple OS's, although using this software to play them is the same as modding a console in my perspective, it is just MUCH easier to pull off on a PC.
4.) Saying that a game that is both on the 360 as well as the PC through GAMES FOR WINDOWS is not exclusive to any particular platform is correct. However, it IS exclusive to the publisher as well as the OS and therefore should be counted as a Microsoft exclusive.
Arguing otherwise would be like saying that CBS doesnt have exclusive rights to a particular show that is broadcast on one of the various channels that they own solely because it is not being viewed on a TV created by CBS.
1. Microsoft only publishes a small amount of games on the PC, like Halo. Mass Effect for the PC is published by EA, for example.
2. I didn't say that. You misread the post. Tragically misread the post.
3. And your point is?
4. It would only be exclusive to Microsoft if Microsoft was the publisher.
5. With a tv station like CBS, you need a contract and a lot of other stuff. Making a game on the PC is completely different. If I make a game for the PC, Microsoft does not own the game. Appearing on CBS would be analogous to having a game released on the 360, because with the 360, you need your game approved before it's release. There is no such thing on the PC. Your analogy is flawed.
You're thinking under the fallacy that just because a game appears on the PC that it is Microsoft property.
1.) Apperantly we are misreading eachothers posts because people feel the need to point out what I have been saying.
2.) Actually, you did say that. Read what you said,
"Games on consoles can cost more to buy because a cut of the sales on the game goes to Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony. With the PC, it doesn't."
The wording that you chose to use completely circumvented what I was saying. What your words said was that NO profit from a game sold on the PC would go to the publisher, which is completly false. Do you expect me to read between the lines? Doing so would force me to formulate my own opinion based on what you said, and that can lead to misinterpretations.
3.) You dont get the point? The point is this, just because you can play a game that was designed to ONLY run on a PC running a specific OS using third party software does not mean that it is not exclusive to that particular OS.
4.) Exactly!
5.) You are completley missing what I am saying.
If CBS created a show using there own company that particular show IS exclusive to them. Now it is a different story if a 'third party' company created a show and had to go through negotiations with CBS for it to be aired.
My analogy is comepletly valid. It was through your process of detailing things that werent meant to be part of it that made it invalid.
2. I did not say that publishers don't make money off of the games. I am saying that Microsoft doesn't get money from PC game sales, because they do not publish the game. On consoles, the companies get money because the games need to be licensed/approved by the company. That's why there was a flap about Manhunt 2: The console makers would not allow an AO game to be released on their systems. That doesn't happen on PC.
3. OS means nothing. It's something alot of us already have, and it's not like games are a driving force in selling OS. An OS is completely different from a console.
4. But Microsoft isn't the publisher in many cases.
5. Microsoft doesn't "Create" PC games, except for the games specifically made/published by Microsoft game studios.
6. No. When you want to do a show on a tv station, you are under contract with them. This is what happens with developing games on a console - you are under contract with the makers of said console. When you make a PC game, are you under contract with Microsoft? No.
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