Well I found Half-Life 2 to be a much superior game to the Halo series and I don't think Halo Reach will make me think otherwise...
I don't.
Apart from the section withthe supergravity gun, whichwas one of the most fun and rewarding sections in FPS games,Half Life 2 felt really boring to me.
I don't know, maybe because my mood wasn't correct, or whatever, but it just fealt like a constant set of hallways, one after the other. The combine felt like a constant stream of bots to kill, and if it wasn't for Alyx and Gman, the supporting cast won't be anything spectacular.
The actual guns also kinda felt boring too. I don't know how I can quantifiably explain this though.
And the fact that Gordon Freeman is a mute does not help, and it really did not put me in that position either.
It has a very different pace than Halo which I appreciated a lot. It felt like it had a LOT more depth than Halo which really felt like a mindless "fun" shooter to me.
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