Whilst I wouldn't compare it to Gears of War, or the forthcoming Bioshock, it certainly is a whole lot prettier than Halo 2.
Thank-fully, the games visuals have been cleaned up and it shows straight off the bat, the lighting is looking fantastic, the AA has been turned up and the game just feels a whole lot smoother. Other then that, the multiplayer is practically the same as the beta with the exception of a few tweaks that you can only notice after picking up the controller.
Lol, that doesnt sound good for the xbots.
1: Halo never really was about the graphics. It was about the Gameplay. It's artsyle is where it counts. But...graphics do help. And luckily halo 3 has that:
The graphics in the single player campaign looked a whole heap better then the beta we played a few months ago, in fact it looked FANTASTIC especially later in the level when this HUGE mother ship just comes from behind you, and flies above your head and heads straight. The ship is no more then 20 feet above you, and you can see extreme detail on the craft, it literally brought almost everyone in the presentation on their knees with a loud AWEEEEE.
2: The rest of that first sentance: it certainly is a whole lot prettier than Halo 2.The lighting textures and draw distance have all been enhanced, and the outdoor levels that we were shown seem massive in comparison to what we saw in either Halo: Combat Evolved or in Halo 2.
3: He wasn't talking about about BETA graphics. He was talking about how the controls and gameplay were similar to the BETA: Thank-fully, the games visuals have been cleaned up and it shows straight off the bat, the lighting is looking fantastic, the AA has been turned up and the game just feels a whole lot smoother. Other then that, the multiplayer is practically the same as the beta with the exception of a few tweaks that you can only notice after picking up the controller.
Don't edit out phrases and words...
4: Next time, read the article you post.
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