[QUOTE="RDS_Phoenix"][QUOTE="Dualshockin"][QUOTE="RDS_Phoenix"][QUOTE="Dualshockin"][QUOTE="RDS_Phoenix"] You can't dive into the water on Lair?
God dammit!
I have yet to encounter a dragon that can swim.So you have actually encountered dragons at all? *rollseyes* Might explain your fanboy stupidity - hallucinations.
I'm really not impressed by Lair. The water from what we;ve heard is just a carsboard cut-out, pre rendered rubbish. Like the same people that get impressed over the backgrounds in GTHD - pictures, not real stuff. I wish Forza was coming for the PS3, I would pick it up in a second. I have high hopes for GT5 though. But Lair looks very 'meh' to me.
Clearly,you couldnt catch the joke in that post. If the water was cutout,then how is it possible to respond to a dragons and ship actions above /on it ?Ok, possibly not cutout but flat geometry plane with a texture on it. Better?
Stop trolling, every single thread that mentions Halo 3 you pop up to slag off the graphics. Cut it out.
funny how water from 2004 has still be be beaten, no game yet has matched farcry's water and it looks like crytek is going to be the first to product better water than in its first game. facry still has some amazing graphic, the drawdistances are huge, great lighting, and the water looks very close to real unlike water in most games
FarCry had tremendous graphics. I don't remember saying it didn't. The gameplay on FarCry was one huge sack of crap, but it looked good.
Lair does NOT look impressive. I don't know if it's the style of game, the poor modelling on the human characters, the jumpy framerate or the blandness of the whole thing, but I don't like it. I'm not saying Halo 3 looks 'teh best thing evar!' but if it plays well and has graphics good enough to enjoy, I'm all for it.
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