Alright, I don't own anyof the three consoles, had a 360, but then sold it because it just didn't give me more gamesthanthose I could find on Pc, except for a 2-3 exclusives, which don't justify the purchase of a console for me.
But now, I've been thinking what console I should get to combine with Pc.
- I don't like the fact that I have to pay to play online.
- disc scratching isn't this big issue, but gives me the feeling of something "cheap"
- Halo Reach, Splinter Cell Conviction ( won't playUbisoft gameson Pc because of DRM ), Forza 3, Alan Wake and Fable 3are the only exclusives I'd be interested in this year. I dunno about 2011, except for Gears of War 3
- console multiplats generally look and play better on the 360. Red Dead Redempion is on top of my list.
- I'd get the new 360 model which would probably have no disc scratching issues and rrod.
- I like the controller, but thed pad sucks.
- Kinect looks interesting
- console multiplats look and play worse than 360's counterpart. Bayonetta, Rdr etc.
- Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Demon's Souls,GT5,LBP and The Last Guardian and maybe Modnation Racerswould appeal to me.
- controller could be better, but I like it for fighting games
- the hardware seems to be decently reliable (?)
- Move may be interesting, but it just looks like an improved wiimote.
- old gen graphics, no HD. too bad.
- tons of exclusives I'd like to play: Super Mario Galaxy 1,2 - Paper Mario, Donkey Kong Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Metroid Other M, Metriod Prime Trilogy, No More Heroes 1,2, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Wii, Epic Mickey.
- reliable hardware
- bad online
- virtual console = win
- wiimote plus + nunchuk are okay
I can only get one of them, so shoot all your bashing or reasons why you'd get a system over anohter one.
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