oh really?  3rd party aint avoiding nintendo the majority of the relevent ones support all 3 the lazy and incompetant ones complain about not having the money, and you want an example --rockstar  want another-bathesda ,Â
the wiiu has more ram a special  gpu that helps the cpu which 360 ps3 do not have, thus wiiu needs less power to provide next gen games
it has a  good iinnovative controller ,ive played 20 games already on wii u , wanna know my library of 360 games in the same time frame-7 .
thats right wiiu has more good games, i dont care for the power ,i just want good exclusives --something 360 fails to provide lately stop posting garbage like this power is irrelevent to the success of a console see ps3 psvita gc psp  and xbox for examplesÂ
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