Just look at how much we support and cherish the industry not causuals. We go out of our way to give honest legit reviews about possible bad games. Fair andbalanced are the key words. We put McShea to McShame. We take into account every detail of these products, multiplayer and singleplayer, and leave bias at the door.How many casuals only play multiplayer?
We further support the devs by buying DLC. In return the devs give us more worthwhile DLC on launch day for the day one buyers. Countlesscore gamers have helped Capcom and other companies with palette swap DLC and map packs. What better way to show we care? Playing on a new map witha different colored gun has provided a worthwhile experience and I'm sick of some gamers in here trying to kill such a good thing. Stop trying to kill the future of gaming. If you support gaming buy DLC.
The absolute best thing we have gotten behind this gen is trophies/achievements. Casuals certainly don't see the challenge of being on top and the spirit of competition.Hardcore gamers know a game without trophies doesn't offer a full experience. I have 20 platinums myself.
We only support the best games with our money.Look at Okami and Beyond Good and Evil. Those franchises would have been dead without us. Look at Okami'ssuccess. I'm tired of this rant that we only support sequels or remakes, we don't.I make a pledge as a hardcoe gamer I swear to support this industry. To show devs only the hardcore are worth listening to. I'm sure other gamers in here will agree. Our word means something.
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