[QUOTE="themyth01"]It's cows, Sony fans hype everything like it'll be good, the reason why there has been so many cow ownage in SW is because cows hype anything on the PS3, Motorstorm was hyped to no end, Resistance was as well, even Genji and Untold Legends were hyped, it's to be expected, it'll be fun to be here for their game releases, some of which I don't really expect much from. Koalakommander
have they been wrong? Resistance was good. Motorstorm was good. Ninja Gaiden Sigma was good.
You act like they hype Genji and Gundam. Right now they are hyping KZ2, Lair, Heavenly Sword, FF13, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Haze, UT3, and Assassin's Creed.
If you don't think those games deserved to be hype then you are one sad lemming.
hey hey, don't bad mouth Dynasty Warriors GUNDAM. You know it will be fun! :P
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