well of course except perfect dark , or timesplitters 2 and 3 for that matter, 1 to a certain degree, ,
because all 5 ofthese games were handled by the main goldeneeye team lol,
and yea i agree none has so far surpassed it, quantum on wii , is the closest thing your going to get, as far as a refreshing expeirence goes in the fps genre, any wii game can take this honor, but do they really really stack the odds, no, close but no cigar,
dont even mention any ps3 360 title because , lets just say split screen is thrown away,
and without that its hard to compare goldeneye pd or timesplitters to anything now adays, sure theres cod (thats war so i dont think we should compare them to each other, ) and pd0 which we all know is nothing compared to pd64,
theres quake 4 but again cant compare its develish style to the story driven secret agent type mission based game, known as goldeneye pd or timesplitters. and please dont mention halo ,halo is much comparable to killzone or unreal ,,
as that is a futuristic game where as goldeneye wasnt, pd and ts are a mix,
so it varies , ts1 is more like goldeneye 2 is like goldneeye but it included pd like futuristic weapons, there for its a mixture of both worlds, same for 3 ,
and pd 64 , goldeneeye is compareable to the 4 others because they do the same thing, they are mission driven each one of these also didnt have a vehicle in multiplayer except ts3 and pd /ts3 in single player thats about al you can say is like halo other then that,
halo is a doom /quake hexen etc type game , with a mixture of futuristic weapons and so forth,
so no ., honestly after timesplitters 3 ive yet to play a fps, that matches and or surpass goldeneye pd or ts fun and style ,
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