How do you feel about the changes made gameplay wise vs previous DMC games (no lock on, triggers for weapons, grapple thing, etc) I recall you being a fan of hack and slash games and of aving played the previous DMC games.
The lack of lock'on is certainly the biggest change as it takes some combat options but no biggie. I also didnt liked the fact you have to hold the triggers to use other weapons. I would prefer to change them with only a button press. Other than that I liked of what I played. I acknowledge the combat in the new DmC isnt as complex as DMC3/4 but its still fun and after (re)learning jump cancel I was able to do some pretty neat stuff in the demo. I also like the fact that now we can do an upercut with only one button as back+triangle was somewhat unintuitive and was highly dependable on the camera position
the 30fps are noticeable but it still run smooth for the most part. Overall, I liked it
My complaints are pretty much similar to yours. I kind of wish there was a way to permanently change your weapon instead of having to hold down the triggers. Overall the gameplay seems more simplistic but still offers the ability to pull off some nice combos. I'm glad the grapple thing works to the same effect as the Devil Bringer from DMC4 since that made combos much easier. My main concern at this point is the boss fights. I was not impressed with the boss fight in the demo at all so I hope there are some awesome bosses akin to Nelo Angelo, Beowulf, Credo, etc.
I don't really care about the story or anything but the voice acting in the demo was pretty abysmal and lacked the cheesy charm that Dante had in previous games (minus DNC2).
Yeah, the boss fight was kinda easy and I didnt liked much of her design but I'll take it'll be an early boss in the game. Hope the rest of bosses are more challenging and with regular size [spoiler] well, Vergil is gonna be a boss so hopefully that will be good [/spoiler] When it comes to Dante, I actually think he's kinda more of a serious version of DMC3 Dante. DMC3 Dante was just ridiculously over-the-top. I still prefer the old Dante, but the new one does not anoy me.
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