@ghosts4ever: again, zero attention paid to my on-topic comment. Obviously you dont even care about a thread that you yourself made and just keep going on a tirade that you are too chickenshit to compete in MP.
old doom had mp, all quakes had mp, some of the best stuff came out of Quake 1 like TF.
"you said it didnot evolved then i proved you wrong. it evolved, Doom 1 and 2 didnot even had free mouse look and you press ctrl to shoot."
How many games even had mouse look in 1994....? More of a technological evolution than game specific
"Doom Eternal is even more evolved than Doom 2016 which former had little bit of puzzle and platforming"
original dooms had this as well, sorry you have a bad memory.
"but but its no MP. it will be bad...every game need to have MP".. no thanks."
Again with the bad memory. I never said it will be bad, but it could be a whole lot better. It's more of a question of "why not?". Yea Q3 was MP.....and more people play QL now than that Quake Chumpions garbage.
Early dooms and early quakes had extremely basic mp, I bet the dev time on it was extremely slim. What made them shine was the 3rd party / user created mods, and thats why people are still playing them to this day.
You are completely oblivious to what all the predecessor games had. Its just like the food/beverage industry. Slowly give you less quantity for the same or higher price. Absolute amnesic.
On-topic: Tekken has always been terrible. But, 3D fighters have been around for a while. Soul calibur still the best imo. But, just like the history of doom and quake, TC is totally clueless when it comes to the past.
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