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Just here me out for a sec. I mean, for a while, Halo was king of Microsoft's sales. Then Gears of War comes around, and well, kind of takes over. Gears of War 2 comes out, and it gets AAA reviews, but something felt... missing. I mean we all know about the multiplayer issues with the lag and 15 minutes to find a game. It's not even nominated for best X360 game if GS' Best of 2008 awards, let along GotY. It was knocked down to 4th in the Xbox live activity list (not bad, but disappointed for a game of it's stature). I'm just saying, like Halo before it, is it time for GeoW to move on? There are 2, maybe 3, Halo games coming out next year. What do you guys think? Mario2007
IMO it never had an edge to begin with. Everything about this series has screamed "bland, cookie-cutter shooter" right from the get-go.
[QUOTE="Mario2007"]Just here me out for a sec. I mean, for a while, Halo was king of Microsoft's sales. Then Gears of War comes around, and well, kind of takes over. Gears of War 2 comes out, and it gets AAA reviews, but something felt... missing. I mean we all know about the multiplayer issues with the lag and 15 minutes to find a game. It's not even nominated for best X360 game if GS' Best of 2008 awards, let along GotY. It was knocked down to 4th in the Xbox live activity list (not bad, but disappointed for a game of it's stature). I'm just saying, like Halo before it, is it time for GeoW to move on? There are 2, maybe 3, Halo games coming out next year. What do you guys think? svetzenlether
IMO it never had an edge to begin with. Everything about this series has screamed "bland, cookie-cutter shooter" right from the get-go.
Fair enough. However, many people would disagree with your opinion. I think most people can agree it had an edge, popularity wise.Halo and CoD are more casual friendly and a little more popular. Gears is still a phenomenal game it doesnt need to move on :?Couth_Maybe "move on" wasn't the best way to put it. I'll rephrase it. Maybe it's time for it to let something else take the throne.
[QUOTE="Couth_"]Halo and CoD are more casual friendly and a little more popular. Gears is still a phenomenal game it doesnt need to move on :?Mario2007Maybe "move on" wasn't the best way to put it. I'll rephrase it. Maybe it's time for it to let something else take the thrown. Why does there have to be a 'thrown'. When the first Gears came out, there wasn't really anything else on the market with such a wide appeal. So it sold 5 million. But Halo came out and sold 8+ million. CoD4 sold 10+ million. WaW had massive sales thanks to CoD4 as well. But Gears is still one of the top selling IPs of this gen
[QUOTE="Mario2007"]Just here me out for a sec. I mean, for a while, Halo was king of Microsoft's sales. Then Gears of War comes around, and well, kind of takes over. Gears of War 2 comes out, and it gets AAA reviews, but something felt... missing. I mean we all know about the multiplayer issues with the lag and 15 minutes to find a game. It's not even nominated for best X360 game if GS' Best of 2008 awards, let along GotY. It was knocked down to 4th in the Xbox live activity list (not bad, but disappointed for a game of it's stature). I'm just saying, like Halo before it, is it time for GeoW to move on? There are 2, maybe 3, Halo games coming out next year. What do you guys think? svetzenlether
IMO it never had an edge to begin with. Everything about this series has screamed "bland, cookie-cutter shooter" right from the get-go.
Can you name me more than three games that have a similar gameplay formula to the Gears franchise? How can anyone call it "cookie-cutter" when there are hardly any games like it?Honestly, I think marketing played a role. It definitely wasn't shoved down our throats like the first, so that aura around it wasn't there. Plus, unlike the first, the 2nd has stiff competition (R2, COD WAW, L4D, even Halo 3)bez2083Yeah, GeoW2's advertising budget wasn't a fifth of the first's, I bet. One would think MS would have done more to spread the word about it. :?
Halo never lost the throne, what are you talking about...Innocentguy757Now Halo is extremely popular, but I think it has lost its oomphth over the last couple months. It's still one of the most played XBLive, but I think Gears has been more popular with the hardcore crowd. However, Halo does have a big chance next year to really "shine".
Honestly, I think marketing played a role. It definitely wasn't shoved down our throats like the first, so that aura around it wasn't there. Plus, unlike the first, the 2nd has stiff competition (R2, COD WAW, L4D, even Halo 3)bez2083This, probably a combination of things, WaW benefited from CoD4 being fresh in peoples minds, while Gears 2 wasn't so fresh anymore. It still has a strong folliwing though
Off-topic- how did you like that dance Chris Johnson put on Polamalu
Also, Gears 2 has already sold well over 3 million copies. If that's "losing its edge", then most games this generation must've been complete failues.BioShockOwnzGears 2 was more a spur of the moment type thing, im 2 achievements short the online is meh. It backs a punch and then fizzles out
This, probably a combination of things, WaW benefited from CoD4 being fresh in peoples minds, while Gears 2 wasn't so fresh anymore. It still has a strong folliwing though[QUOTE="bez2083"]Honestly, I think marketing played a role. It definitely wasn't shoved down our throats like the first, so that aura around it wasn't there. Plus, unlike the first, the 2nd has stiff competition (R2, COD WAW, L4D, even Halo 3)Couth_
Off-topic- how did you like that dance Chris Johnson put on Polamalu
SMH, it was bad. No excuses, they got hit in the mouth. Hard. With help from #7 of course.[QUOTE="Innocentguy757"]Halo never lost the throne, what are you talking about...Mario2007Now Halo is extremely popular, but I think it has lost its oomphth over the last couple months. It's still one of the most played XBLive, but I think Gears has been more popular with the hardcore crowd. However, Halo does have a big chance next year to really "shine". How has it lost its popularity when its still tops the XBL charts at number 1 ? gears will never be as popular as halo sales and MP numbers prove that.
kinda getting sick of the whole corny mucho man action shooters approach gears has. It was great for awhile, but i can't go back to playing the story modes no more. I wish gears took it self serious and Epic ditches some of the crap humor, make it more cold and down to the point. boost up the horror elements and just make it more interesting. big bosses, cursing, over done gore ppeal, doesn't last long. but i guess with a guy like Cliffy, those changes will never be made. EyezonmiiGears represents the old style of mindless gameing: Nonsense story mixed with manly men over macho protagonist and enough blood and gore to fill lake Ontario twice
i like the Geow series and Geow2 is a great game... however it didnt meet my original expectations... still enjoy the game though
The magic that was there when the original was released is gone because quite frankly the industry has matured beyond the initial "wow!" of the graphical standard it produced. In 2006 Gears held the graphics and multiplayer crown on consoles, there was no Bioshock, MGS4, CoD4, GTA4, or Crysis (etc.) to detract any of the attention the game got. 2006 had good games (Oblivion, Okami, FFXII, RFoM, Zelda TP) but nothing that really screamed "next gen", Gears filled that void on the technical and multiplayer fronts.
Now it's 2008 and we've seen more technically impressive graphics (MGS4, Crysis) and better multiplayer (TF2, CoD4). Gears didn't lose it's edge, it's arguably the same game it was two years ago and that's the problem. There was no vast graphical jump, no grand improvements to the multiplayer (although for many it's still very addictive). That was the problem. Cliffy B and Epic couldn't improve much upon what was already there, it wasn't broke so there really wasn't a need to fix it and the end product was a great game that is earning a "been there, done that" feel.Tiefster
100% correct. I don't even own a 360, and gears 2 is starting to feel old after playing it with friends. The first gears felt special, but with all the competition and lack of MASSIVE improvement (which is what it needed to shine), its dieing.
Were not saying gears 2 is bad, its just with the giant leap in games after gears1 it doesn't stand out and shine anymore. And the fact people are looking down on what should have been improvements is not a good sign (but then that always happens
Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.Gh0st_Of_0nyxHow is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :|
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.Ninja-HippoHow is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :| :lol:
he hasn't even played it
"buh... bu... I played it at my friends house, honest!"
How is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :| :lol:[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.EuroMafia
he hasn't even played it
"buh... bu... I played it at my friends house, honest!"
Lol fakeboys ... He calls Gears a Rehash ... yet plays COD W@W.
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"]:lol:[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"] How is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :| cuddlesofwar
he hasn't even played it
"buh... bu... I played it at my friends house, honest!"
Lol fakeboys ... He calls Gears a Rehash ... yet plays COD W@W.
Oh, the irony!
No, it's still an awesome game. It's just whoever made the decisions behind the multiplayer for gears 2 needs to drop down a very dark hole and never touch anything again.
Epic broke the golden rule in multiplayers: Don't flipping change the core gameplay. Most devs are smart enough to giv eyou a brand new campaign, lots of features and EXPAND the multiplayer.
Epic saw it had a popular game, that remained in the top 5 for 2 years and was massively popular, had it's own tournaments and such going for it and thought "lets change everything" and now the result is Gears 2 is quickly dropping off the top 10, it's been getting bumped down everytime Major Nelson puts a new list up.
That's not so much 'cause of the gameplay. More the networking issues.No, it's still an awesome game. It's just whoever made the decisions behind the multiplayer for gears 2 needs to drop down a very dark hole and never touch anything again.
Epic broke the golden rule in multiplayers: Don't flipping change the core gameplay. Most devs are smart enough to giv eyou a brand new campaign, lots of features and EXPAND the multiplayer.
Epic saw it had a popular game, that remained in the top 5 for 2 years and was massively popular, had it's own tournaments and such going for it and thought "lets change everything" and now the result is Gears 2 is quickly dropping off the top 10, it's been getting bumped down everytime Major Nelson puts a new list up.
Just here me out for a sec. I mean, for a while, Halo was king of Microsoft's sales. Then Gears of War comes around, and well, kind of takes over. Gears of War 2 comes out, and it gets AAA reviews, but something felt... missing. I mean we all know about the multiplayer issues with the lag and 15 minutes to find a game. It's not even nominated for best X360 game if GS' Best of 2008 awards, let along GotY. It was knocked down to 4th in the Xbox live activity list (not bad, but disappointed for a game of it's stature). I'm just saying, like Halo before it, is it time for GeoW to move on? There are 2, maybe 3, Halo games coming out next year. What do you guys think? Mario2007Hmm, I completely disagree with your comment. I'm finishing up my 2nd playthrough on the campaign. Did the first one through Casual with my g/f who absolutely loves Gears 1 and 2 (loves part 2 more) and now playing through it on Insane with a friend from work. Been playing Horde mode for hours on end consistently and have barely touched Halo 3 since it came out. I will say I don't like the MP because it doesn't satisfy the way Halo 3 does but that doesn't make it any less of a stellar game for me. I think everything about part 2 is better than part 1 and I certainly don't look at it like an expansion when I take into consideration all of the added features and options. I will also say I'm very excited for part 3 because it's confirmed that it will have 5 player co-op through the Campaign.
They just tried to hard, felt the pressure and thought a sequal needs to be a different game..Cliffy should stop listening to some fans..i bet the whole 1.5 BS remakes (many games get) got to him. Seeing how popular gears 1 was, why did they alter the gameplay? srsly, i don't understand that...bu bu teh balancing issues, gears 2 has more balancing issues than the first. so yeh i agree with you. Gears 1 simply feels more intense, fast and in your face fun action, gears 2 feels like a clunky meaty and slow action game.No, it's still an awesome game. It's just whoever made the decisions behind the multiplayer for gears 2 needs to drop down a very dark hole and never touch anything again.
Epic broke the golden rule in multiplayers: Don't flipping change the core gameplay. Most devs are smart enough to giv eyou a brand new campaign, lots of features and EXPAND the multiplayer.
Epic saw it had a popular game, that remained in the top 5 for 2 years and was massively popular, had it's own tournaments and such going for it and thought "lets change everything" and now the result is Gears 2 is quickly dropping off the top 10, it's been getting bumped down everytime Major Nelson puts a new list up.
Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.Gh0st_Of_0nyxTHIS.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.Ninja-HippoHow is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :|
Glass rain gave me a huge LOL.
Also the on rails parts with the fake horde below you can just stand there and do nothing for the most part.
How is the single player laughable? How can you possibly back that statement up? :|[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Well people finally are realizing that Gears 2 is a rehash with even worse MP and laughable SP.killzowned24
Glass rain gave me a huge LOL.
Also the on rails parts with the fake horde below you can just stand there and do nothing for the most part.
It's a disappointment, but it surely owns Resistance 2's campaign.
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