the reason you think wii has more mediocre games then any other nintendo console is because its got more games overall then the 2 previous consoles combined ,
you are over exxagerating the ammount of good vs bad any way,
lets look at who did not develope for gc or n64
-rockstar they only did 1 n64 title and 2-3 gc games which were mediocre their best effort would have to be smuggler run
square enix completly stop after snes only gba and 1 gc game in the gc era was suppored by them
atari stopped making top games after they did a few ,,
dbz was all they did for gc and that anthology disc,
their major franchises such as driver was never on the gc but guess what its on the wii-paralel lines thanks to ubisoft
atari has made several wii games ,
midway aside from their mortalk ombat and compilation disc gc was highly ignored by them but they made several wii games before going bankrupt in fact crusin was their last game , only known gc games besides mortal kombat include-arcade treasures vol 1-3 turok 5 -evolution
basically half wiis developers never did gc games they mostly did ps2 games ,
and xbox got 50 percent of that even so ya
when ever a console sells good expect a lot of software you aint familair withps2 ps1 snes and nes all had these types of titles,
you probably never noticed these but here they are
corvette-i got it as a gift mind you but this is ps2 titles that are similar to wiis
petz-this series started on the ps2
sing it -
eye toy games
guitar hero and rockband
ford racing series-started back in the ps1 era
state of emergency-this was a budget title for xbox and ps2 and its fun in multiplayer only though the 2nd one is bad
cold winter -xbox/ps2
etc this list goes on and on ,, of lesser known titles for ps2 /1 snes nes etc
wii is just like these consoles
big fanbase
and different from the other 2 which is why there is no reason any one should compare the other 2 to the wii because its just so vastly different , dont bring natal or wand because these aint main forms of play onthe other consoles as wii motei s to wii
so no nintendo has not let me down
they still produced their major franchises and made new ones for new players
why would that let any one down ,
with this insane nintendo line up coupled with more exclusive 3rd party titles
-mario galaxy
superp aper mario
mario party 8
wario land
animal crossing
mario strikers
mario sonic olympic1
mario sonic olympic winter
wario ware smooth moves
wii sports
wii sports resort
links crossbow
wii play
wii music
wii fit
excite bike truck and bot series
mario kart
how the heck can any one be let down by nintendo
thats a long list of titles , can you even name as many ps3 or 360 exclusives?
i bet you can not ,
and you know hwat the quality of nintendos software 99 percent of the time is top notch with 1 percent being wii music and fit
and with these coming
mario galaxy 2
metroid other m
zelda wii
pikmin 3
and possibles
more mario party
more other titles,
its just going to get better and better and better , ,
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