Every generation there is a console(sometimes two) that are must owns to experience the best there is to offer. Last gen it was easily the ps2, and before that it was very close between n64 and ps1.With the slew of games, features, and price drop for the ps3 all comming this year has it become mandatory to own?
Some may argue it is the 360 with titles such as halo, gears of war, mass effect and many more, but that really seems false at this point in time. While you can not get halo 3, gears 2 and other great 360 titles on PC, you can still get many. It is lacky the exclusives, while taking the favor of features and quality in multiplat games. At this point in time it is very unclear of what microsoft is thinking, there really is a lack of original exclusive titles, and almost no first party support. All of the 360s negative points really out way the posatives in my opinion, that is why i believe no it is not the console to own.
A few may even say the wii is a must own title. It is easily the perfect party console, it has all of the great first party games that we know and love, and it has a great backlog of classic nitendo games to get. Personally, and i believe most of you will agree that it is not the console you must have. Reason being for nitendos recent reevalution on their stance in gaming. They are now marketing to the most common demoninator while leaving the hardcore fans gasping for air. There are some great games like mario, metroid, and others, but they really are not enough.
Now i come to the ps3 and why i believe it has become the mandatory console to own. The biggest reason for me is the games, i will not waste your time by making a list because we all know whats comming out for it and what it already has. The library of games the ps3 supports is easily the best thing it has right now, because its the strongest one currently. Its weak point comes in the form of features. Its online is not up to par with the 360, while it is free, you still do not have the same quality you get on xbox. It does make up for it though in many areas, and with the recent price drop i personally think its on its way to becoming the must have system on the market.
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