Has Steam made you a cheap ass? I have recently had trouble purchasing rayman legends for ps4 on amazon for $30. I wanted a nice platformer and something i could play with my girlfriend other than nintendo games but i just can't click "order" when i know it might be $5-$10 on steam during a sale.
yes, i like there prices, when i look at PSN or like XBL store prices and sales i /facepalm and walk away
steam usually every price and its not even close the games go down the sales are insane, thats how u run a show imo
psn/xbl stores are 60 dollars for evverything crappy deals here an there the worst free games you don't even own the ones you get with psn unless you pay sony for the rest of ur life
Has Steam made you a cheap ass? I have recently had trouble purchasing rayman legends for ps4 on amazon for $30. I wanted a nice platformer and something i could play with my girlfriend other than nintendo games but i just can't click "order" when i know it might be $5-$10 on steam during a sale.
Depends how you define cheap ass..I probably spend more money on games in general, but less per game.
Rare exceptions aside, I don't buy a game anymore for more than $7.50, been that way for 3 years It's impossible for me to buy a game at retail price. Most of them were at little as $5 or less.
I got Oblivion, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning, Far Cry 3, Borderlands 2 and three different GTA games. Combined total is STILL UNDER $50. That's hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content.
Am I going to invest $50 for one game for a 10 hour game? Or just one game at all? I can't do it. Steam has defined my purchases from the last 3 years. Steam has taught me an extremely valuable lesson in patience, mostly in the gaming industry but even a part of life
I am WAY more picky now then I was before Steam was a mainstay, Back then I would buy way more games I was uncertain I would like.
Nowadays I am much less likely to simply splunge in a game I am not fairly certain that I would like.
Price is still not a barrier to me, but I will not buy a game simply because it is one of the few out that year, I would rather not buy anything, because of a active backlog (that does not require me to dust off an old console).
It has also made me replay or simply play older games more. Partly due to the ease of use. I would rather go buy an old Classic I never playied then buy some iffy game that just came out on a system that have a slim month (including the PC releases).
It's not that I don't have access to the service. I have hundreds of PC games, but they come with DRM (DRM that prevents buy/sell/collect/trade/lend/borrow)...and also, you can find dirt cheap physical non-DRM console games too. If you wait for Steam season sales then you can wait for seasonal retail sales.
@SolidTy: Console games have DRM. Its called you have to have a working disc. And please do not argue that you can find console games as cheap as PC games on average. The used market makes that impossible.
Hi my name is bldgirsh, and I am a steamaholic. It all started when I first got shown the light of GabeN, it was glorious. The games, the community, and the sales were all beyond my wildest dreams for gaming. Until one faithful day during summer, the Steam storefront changed, and in big bold letters were the vile words "Steam Summer Sale 2012". I was confused by it, thinking the sales were glorious as they were, but heck was I wrong. My wallet was ransacked and my hard drive was filling up. I have no more control anymore, so that's why i'm hear with you guys. I hope this focus group will rid me of my addiction.
It's not that I don't have access to the service. I have hundreds of PC games, but they come with DRM (DRM that prevents buy/sell/collect/trade/lend/borrow)...and also, you can find dirt cheap physical non-DRM console games too. If you wait for Steam season sales then you can wait for seasonal retail sales.
@wolverine4262 said:
@SolidTy: Console games have DRM. Its called you have to have a working disc. And please do not argue that you can find console games as cheap as PC games on average. The used market makes that impossible.
I covered what the DRM is, the very anti-consumer DRM above. Again: DRM that prevents buying/selling/collecting/trading/lending/borrowing/renting, etc.
Secondly, I never made such an argument regarding averages. What I did say is you can find dirt cheap physical non-DRM console games too. This season I got newer games cheaper at retail than Steam had for the same games (that is when steam has access to the game).
As a LONGTIME collector and gaming historian, I'm not willing to go for DRM version of games when I don't have too. Obviously, some games I have too, like Starcraft II or MMOs.
Clearly, you have your own methods of procuring games and you like digital. I've got hundreds of PC games, I know all about it and I can relate to being a PC gamer/buyer of DD games. It's just not what I prefer. That's cool that you have your preference and I have mine. Have a good one.
@SolidTy: Yeah, Im sorry. You edited your post after I made mine. I guess I should have expected that.
Although anti consumer is a laughable way to describe it. Its what allows steam to sell its games at the prices it does. This is hugely beneficial for anyone that cares about their wallet. Also, please remove collecting from that list. Just because my steam library isnt physical doesnt mean its not a collection. Okay, a friend cant borrow a game, but I can gift them a copy when its (whats less than dirt?) cheap. Or buy a pack of keys at marked discount.
So console games go on sale. Thats not at all comparable to what you find on steam. This weekend alone I can get the Saints Row Collection for barely $10. I have never seen something like that on consoles outside of HD collections. Not to mention all saints row games are f2p this weekend along with Beyond Earth.
@SolidTy: Yeah, Im sorry. You edited your post after I made mine. I guess I should have expected that.
Although anti consumer is a laughable way to describe it. Its what allows steam to sell its games at the prices it does. This is hugely beneficial for anyone that cares about their wallet. Also, please remove collecting from that list. Just because my steam library isnt physical doesnt mean its not a collection. Okay, a friend cant borrow a game, but I can gift them a copy when its (whats less than dirt?) cheap. Or buy a pack of keys at marked discount.
So console games go on sale. Thats not at all comparable to what you find on steam. This weekend alone I can get the Saints Row Collection for barely $10. I have never seen something like that on consoles outside of HD collections. Not to mention all saints row games are f2p this weekend along with Beyond Earth.
@SolidTy: Console games have DRM. Its called you have to have a working disc. And please do not argue that you can find console games as cheap as PC games on average. The used market makes that impossible.
I covered what the DRM is, the very anti-consumer DRM above. Again: DRM that prevents buying/selling/collecting/trading/lending/borrowing/renting, etc.
Secondly, I never made such an argument regarding averages. What I did say is you can find dirt cheap physical non-DRM console games too. This season I got newer games cheaper at retail than Steam had for the same games (that is when steam has access to the game).
As a LONGTIME collector and gaming historian, I'm not willing to go for DRM version of games when I don't have too. Obviously, some games I have too, like Starcraft II or MMOs.
Clearly, you have your own methods of procuring games and you like digital. I've got hundreds of PC games, I know all about it and I can relate to being a PC gamer/buyer of DD games. It's just not what I prefer. That's cool that you have your preference and I have mine. Have a good one.
@wolverine4262 said:
@SolidTy: Yeah, Im sorry. You edited your post after I made mine. I guess I should have expected that.
Although anti consumer is a laughable way to describe it. Its what allows steam to sell its games at the prices it does. This is hugely beneficial for anyone that cares about their wallet. Also, please remove collecting from that list. Just because my steam library isnt physical doesnt mean its not a collection. Okay, a friend cant borrow a game, but I can gift them a copy when its (whats less than dirt?) cheap. Or buy a pack of keys at marked discount.
So console games go on sale. Thats not at all comparable to what you find on steam. This weekend alone I can get the Saints Row Collection for barely $10. I have never seen something like that on consoles outside of HD collections. Not to mention all saints row games are f2p this weekend along with Beyond Earth.
Actually I finished editing my post before you even submitted your post...but you must have hit the "quote" button faster than I got to "save modifications". It was only amended because every-time I post "DRM", there is a PC apologist that makes up some tangent argument about electricity or discs or whatever. It's so tired, but they can't help it because that's the one weakness that I find with my four gaming PCs...ownership. It's HUGE for me. Granted, I haven't gone round with YOU on this DRM issue, but you used the same tired technique I'm assuming you picked up in a forum somewhere...perhaps here.
It doesn't matter, my point is clear about DRM and my words meanings haven's shifted. I get that you have your preference and I have mine. If it makes you feel better: buying/selling/trading/lending/borrowing/renting. The "collecting" aspect has to do with the values on some of my games. My Diablo for PC is worth nothing. My Starcraft on PC is worth nothing. They are the best versions of fantastic classics, but they have no collecting value to other collectors. My Diablo PS1 copy? That's valuable. My Starcraft for N64, that's valuable. It goes on and on, and that's what I meant by collecting. I would never collect digital baseball cards or comic books, but you can. However, it's the rare physical baseball cards and physical comic books that collectors seek and that's exactly the same for gaming.
Steam is very convenient and accessible, no doubt about it (same for GOG, Greenman, Origin, etc). I also enjoy Humble Bundles myself...BUT, retailers get too many copies of games and reduce prices to make shelf space. We aren't talking about even a season thing. You can get upwards of 90% off games. I just saw some crazy deals at Target last week as they have too much product that didn't sell at Xmas. Metro Redux collection for PS4/Xbone was $14. Stuff like that. I didn't buy it because I already own both Metros on PC...but there is deals all the time in the retailer circuit. Overstock balancing can be very beneficial to bargain hunters. To each their own.
@SolidTy: The value comes from the fact that that game will be in my steam library forever and it will still be in my library and playable on any future build I do. That means a hell of a lot more to me than resale value.
About the editing and quoting. I dont go back and refresh the page right before I submit a post just to make sure the person I am responding to didnt make a massive edit. I should know better with you of course. And I dont use the quote button often because I find quotes clutter threads. Obviously I care much more about this than some on the board that are completely comfortable reposting the same pictures and requoting unnecessary stuff in their posts.
@wolverine4262: I don't have the same trust in the future that you have with Steam, but I do enjoy a good deal from them. I am not certain my games will be there forever, but I hope so. I do agree it's nice with say, Blizzard, Origin, Steam, etc that our new PC builds have our games there. My resale value is vital because I would like to leave my children something they can sell if need be. As I said, some people collect comics, baseball cards, or Blu/DVD movies. Others opt for Digital for those same things.
I have games in my Steam Library that I don't like and I can't give them away. I like being able to gift games that I beat to family and friends.
I think being in a huge family does have something to do with it. My sisters bring over her kids or cousins coming over and lending a game or borrowing a game with ease. No internet or strings attached. Just good old fashioned swapping.
It's made me realize that PC gaming is cheaper than console gaming.
Very much this. I bought a PS3 a month or so ago and have been shocked at how expensive even old games are for that console. Just bought Tales of Graces F, a 2012 remaster of a 2009 wii game, for a whopping $30. Dat console tax.
@SolidTy: Sorry that this is a little off topic, but I'm just curious, why do you have multiple versions of Halo 3 and Reach? By the way, that's an awesome collection.
On topic: Yes in some ways. When it comes to multi-plats I'll usually buy them digital only because they're cheaper, but I like physical copies way more than digital. If it's a game or series I really like or am interested in I'll usually buy it physical (in terms of multi-plat games like Dragon Age). When it comes to consoles I really try to avoid paying for the digital versions especially for exclusives (in the case for Nintendo consoles there's usually not too many good sales so buying them full price or a little later on Amazon is how I go, haven't gotten any digital games on PS3 yet, but will probably have to for PS2 games). I do end up looking for as cheap of prices as I can find as I don't like feeling like I could have spent less on a certain game.
@SolidTy: Sorry that this is a little off topic, but I'm just curious, why do you have multiple versions of Halo 3 and Reach? By the way, that's an awesome collection.
LAN parties actually. I have multiple machines (like 360s) as well to support those copies. Fun for family and friends during a BBQ party, four persons per HDTV. GeoW only supports 2 people per HDTV. Starcraft II on PC is just one person per PC, but I do that as well.
I hope that answers the question. :P Oh, and thanks for the compliment.
Bundle Stars has ruined me (they offer 7-10 game bundles for $3-5). The only games I can even remotely justify paying more than $30 for now is Nintendo offerings. And even then, I always try to find them on sale.
@SolidTy: Np and thanks for replying. I've always wanted to have big LAN parties, but I don't have the moolah to get more systems or friends to bring their systems (most of the time). :P Sounds epic though.
Hermits need a break after spending so much $$$ on hardware every year.
Despite over the course of a console generation, a PC gamer tends to spend less money overall than a console gamer.
By hundreds of dollars.
Doesn't add up when you count all the hermits here that claim current gen hardware is shit, and they have the biggest and baddest rigs money can buy. According to them, millions upon millions of these super rigs exist, yet you claim they're all just getting by on old hardware and playing indies? hmm...
Hermits need a break after spending so much $$$ on hardware every year.
Despite over the course of a console generation, a PC gamer tends to spend less money overall than a console gamer.
By hundreds of dollars.
Doesn't add up when you count all the hermits here that claim current gen hardware is shit, and they have the biggest and baddest rigs money can buy. According to them, millions upon millions of these super rigs exist, yet you claim they're all just getting by on old hardware and playing indies? hmm...
People posting on forums don't represent the majority.
Hermits need a break after spending so much $$$ on hardware every year.
Despite over the course of a console generation, a PC gamer tends to spend less money overall than a console gamer.
By hundreds of dollars.
Doesn't add up when you count all the hermits here that claim current gen hardware is shit, and they have the biggest and baddest rigs money can buy. According to them, millions upon millions of these super rigs exist, yet you claim they're all just getting by on old hardware and playing indies? hmm...
People posting on forums don't represent the majority.
We're on System Wars talking about community habits. Even the tc asks us about the way we spend our money. The outside world doesn't exist here.
I haven't even put money in my freshly opened Steam account.
Lucky you just missed the winter sale, or else you'd be nearing bankruptcy
Even though I just expanded my wishlist (adding a couple Civ games and numerous Star Wars games; both I have played but never owned and never once played), I don't plan on going Steam crazy, so...
I haven't even put money in my freshly opened Steam account.
Lucky you just missed the winter sale, or else you'd be nearing bankruptcy
Even though I just expanded my wishlist (adding a couple Civ games and numerous Star Wars games; both I have played but never owned and never once played), I don't plan on going Steam crazy, so...
To be honest it has changed everything for me. I always have felt the need to own every xbox, playstation, and Nintendo. Not anymore. I feel zero desire for the first time to get a Ps4 or X-box and it is just because of steam. I have a game rig, so I can get more than enough gaming from steam with high end specs, so the graphics of the Ps4 and One just do not really stand out at all. I love the steam prices, workshop, the community, and vast amount of content from all generations (I could go on but those of you on steam know all about it.)
To be honest at this point if Nintendo could just go 3rd party and put games on steam, I would be out of the console market for good at this point, (I know it is not gonna happen but I can still dream!) But I was FORCED to own a WiiU for all dat Nintendo exclusive goodness.
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