What games have come out for it have been good. But there's literally no way to justify it being a primary gaming console at this point.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Oh right, didn't know or must have forgotten.
I actually really want the Wii U to do well. I have no problem with the hardware itself. I don't think Nintendo need an new console, they need to support the Wii U correctly.
Supported properly, the console has many years left. It's a shame Nintendo are giving up on it and blaming the console for their own problems. While having gimmicks is fine, they need to stop relying on them. The Wii was no better than the Wii U, but it was an anomaly and sold off the back of the gimmick.
Nintendo is supporting the WiiU the BEST they can.
They got MASSIVE Indie support and They're pumping out games from their Internal Studios like no tomorrow. NOA can go up a tree though, with games like Yoshi's Whooly World being done for MONTHS ALREADY TRANSLATED, but not released till this month.
Still I think Nintendo has been supporting WiiU the best they possibly could. You can't force 3rd Party to make a game for you without the funds or the motivation. It was clear within the first year of the WiiU's life most 3rd Party developers wanted nothing to do with WiiU and more to do with the PS4.
The areas Nintendo is doing well in, they do have covered.
But they need to really work on the online front and look at the gaming trends from consumers, as in what and how they like to game. They need to listen to consumers and 3rd parties in general.
Right now, Nintendo is giving Nintendo fans what Nintendo wants, which is why the console isn't as appealing to people outside of that group. This isn't wrong, but if they also look and provide for what the wider audience wants, they could pick up enough interest to get more developers on board.
Also, from now on, when they develop consoles, they would be fools not to consult developers on them.
The areas Nintendo is doing well in, they do have covered.
But they need to really work on the online front and look at the gaming trends from consumers, as in what and how they like to game. They need to listen to consumers and 3rd parties in general.
Right now, Nintendo is giving Nintendo fans what Nintendo wants, which is why the console isn't as appealing to people outside of that group. This isn't wrong, but if they also look and provide for what the wider audience wants, they could pick up enough interest to get more developers on board.
Also, from now on, when they develop consoles, they would be fools not to consult developers on them.
All of what you just said has nothing to do with how Nintendo is treating the WiiU, unless you're agreeing with me.
Nintendo dropped the ball with WiiU during it's development process. Had they listened to 3rd Parties and Followed Gamer Trends WiiU would have been a different story. That isn't the case here.
What you said previously was that Nintendo doesn't need a New Console they just needed to support WiiU properly.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU. 3rd Parties want nothing to do with it because the hardware isn't up to snuff and porting over a game from the PS3 and 360 has been proven to not be worth the time and effort. If it was easier I'm sure we would have seen more 3rd Party on the System like what we should have seen in the first place.
Right Now Nintendo is giving what it's fans want because that's all who is buying the system now. No one wants a Destiny-less System. No one wants a system with no Metal Gear Solid V. No one wants to NOT play Madden or Call of Duty. They want to play Mario Maker, Smash Bros, and Zelda. It's all over these forums.
If you bought a WiiU You're more than likely going to go after all of the Nintendo based games and less likely to get the 3rd Party games because Nintendo's First Party is more than likely going to be the more Quality Product than the 3rd Party stuff (safe for games like Most Wanted U and Deus Ex or Monster Hunter).
So yes, in the future if we want to see games like The Evil Within, Dark Souls 2, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Farcry 4, etc. Nintendo should make a console that fits 3rd Party's needs.
The areas Nintendo is doing well in, they do have covered.
But they need to really work on the online front and look at the gaming trends from consumers, as in what and how they like to game. They need to listen to consumers and 3rd parties in general.
Right now, Nintendo is giving Nintendo fans what Nintendo wants, which is why the console isn't as appealing to people outside of that group. This isn't wrong, but if they also look and provide for what the wider audience wants, they could pick up enough interest to get more developers on board.
Also, from now on, when they develop consoles, they would be fools not to consult developers on them.
All of what you just said has nothing to do with how Nintendo is treating the WiiU, unless you're agreeing with me.
Nintendo dropped the ball with WiiU during it's development process. Had they listened to 3rd Parties and Followed Gamer Trends WiiU would have been a different story. That isn't the case here.
What you said previously was that Nintendo doesn't need a New Console they just needed to support WiiU properly.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU. 3rd Parties want nothing to do with it because the hardware isn't up to snuff and porting over a game from the PS3 and 360 has been proven to not be worth the time and effort. If it was easier I'm sure we would have seen more 3rd Party on the System like what we should have seen in the first place.
Right Now Nintendo is giving what it's fans want because that's all who is buying the system now. No one wants a Destiny-less System. No one wants a system with no Metal Gear Solid V. No one wants to NOT play Madden or Call of Duty. They want to play Mario Maker, Smash Bros, and Zelda. It's all over these forums.
If you bought a WiiU You're more than likely going to go after all of the Nintendo based games and less likely to get the 3rd Party games because Nintendo's First Party is more than likely going to be the more Quality Product than the 3rd Party stuff (safe for games like Most Wanted U and Deus Ex or Monster Hunter).
So yes, in the future if we want to see games like The Evil Within, Dark Souls 2, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Farcry 4, etc. Nintendo should make a console that fits 3rd Party's needs.
Of course it does. Most of the things I mentioned, could still be done. They can still listen and react to trends, they can still make huge improvements to the online and continue to improve the consoles features through software updates, they can still bend over backwards for the consumer and developers.
There isn't all that much wrong with the actual hardware itself, but Nintendo place all the blame at the feet of Wii U like nothing is their fault. The Wii U is just a conduit, everything around it is up to Nintendo.
The same thing will happen to the NX. Nintendo think a special gimmick is all they need, like interesting gimmick brings sales and everything is fine, so they ignore everything else apart from the gimmick and their 1st party games.
Look at the Xbox 360. That thing is old and redundant in every way, yet outside of 1st party, look at the support it gets in every area, it's still getting feature updates, every time you think, they must have done everything possible with this thing, yet more stuff comes. That's the kind of attitude I'm talking about.
Look at Sony with the PS3. People forget how truly dire the situation was early on, but look at how they dragged it up and made it into something and they continue to support it. It's even a similar situation, they turned the early horrible online environment into something that competes with XBL and they didn't have MSs knowledge and expertise in the area either. The Wii U doesn't even have the PS3s complexities to worry about.
This is my point, it's not the Wii U that's failing Nintendo, it's Nintendo that's failing the Wii U.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU.
Lol. A lineup of rehashed 2D platformers and minigame collections, lame spinoffs, backwards designs, last gen ports and the occasional gem amongst the crap is NOT their "best".
At a bare minimum, their best efforts would certainly include Zelda and Metroid, and an online system at least on par with the original Xbox and Halo 2.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU.
Lol. A lineup of rehashed 2D platformers and minigame collections, lame spinoffs, backwards designs, last gen ports and the occasional gem amongst the crap is NOT their "best".
You could apply this statement to the PS4 too, funnily enough.
A lineup of rereleased indie games, lame sequels, bad designs such as removing backward compatibility and media features that the PS3 was great for, last gen ports and remasterings, charging for crappy online service, the inability to use an external HDD for game storage, only a select few exclusive games, Sony being almost entirely reliant on third parties to carry the system... etc.
None of the consoles are faultless.
You could apply this statement to the PS4 too, funnily enough.
No, you couldn't. Of course PS4, like just about every console ever, has it's share of bad/boring/rehashed/ported games, but it's library doesn't rely on them. The WiiU does.
Sony's first party support has been awful, but PS4 doesn't even need first party to have a good library. The WiiU does.
You could apply this statement to the PS4 too, funnily enough.
No, you couldn't. Of course PS4, like just about every console ever, has it's share of bad/boring/rehashed/ported games, but it's library doesn't rely on them. The WiiU does.
Sony's first party support has been awful, but PS4 doesn't even need first party to have a good library. The WiiU does.
That doesnt even make any sense.
So its okay that PS4 has good third party support, and next to zero first party support. But bad that Wii U has an excellent first party lineup with zero third party support? You realize that you cant release a system and then expect others to carry it right? Remember what happened with the Vita? Both consoles are greatly lacking in support, but in different ways.
So its okay that PS4 has good third party support, and next to zero first party support. But bad that Wii U has an excellent first party lineup with zero third party support? Yes. I don't give a **** who makes the games. The WiiU gets 3 to 5 good ones a year, the PS4 gets dozens.
You realize that you cant release a system and then expect others to carry it right? Yes, of course you can. PC has the most games of all, with ZERO first party. Problem? No, it's awesome.
Remember what happened with the Vita? Yes, it's in the same boat as WiiU. Few games, bad sales.
Both consoles are greatly lacking in support, but in different ways. The PS4 doesn't lack support, it gets dozens of good games every year and will have a library of hundreds of good games by the time the gen is over. Stop lying.
So its okay that PS4 has good third party support, and next to zero first party support. But bad that Wii U has an excellent first party lineup with zero third party support? Yes. I don't give a **** who makes the games. The WiiU gets 3 to 5 good ones a year, the PS4 gets dozens.
You realize that you cant release a system and then expect others to carry it right? Yes, of course you can. PC has the most games of all, with ZERO first party. Problem? No, it's awesome.
Remember what happened with the Vita? Yes, it's in the same boat as WiiU. Few games, bad sales.
Both consoles are greatly lacking in support, but in different ways. The PS4 doesn't lack support, it gets dozens of good games every year and will have a library of hundreds of good games by the time the gen is over. Stop lying.
PC has some of the biggest exclusives though, Valve and Blizzard help build that PC quality up to a tee with games that can only be played on PC. PC does things unquie that make it special and stand out in this industry, they arent copycats.
Vita and Wii U are not in the same boat, Vita is floating in the ocean with its small supply of life floats. Wii U on the other hand is sailing the seven seas in her Sailboat.
PS4 does lack support, the President of Sony even apologized for it. Where is that Christmas lineup? I thought Sony was leading, not following.
LOL so much for that "buh buh buh Wii U deserves the sales PS4 got because of all dem exclusibezzzz!!!" Crap sheep been spouting for the last year.
2015 is almost over and all those dumbasses got were a pedo shooter, a little big planet ripoff level editor, and soon they'll get a shitty JRPG.
Meanwhile the rest of the industry got nothing but great games this year.
This is a sad time for the Nintendo cult, I'll keep you in my prayers, sheep.
@The_Power_of_X: Too bad you didnt get no Nintendo games, some of the best rated and selling games of the year, your really missing out mate.
This whole year has been fairly dry for me gaming wise. I have a Wii U and PS4. Next year both systems will pick up.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU.
Lol. A lineup of rehashed 2D platformers and minigame collections, lame spinoffs, backwards designs, last gen ports and the occasional gem amongst the crap is NOT their "best".
At a bare minimum, their best efforts would certainly include Zelda and Metroid, and an online system at least on par with the original Xbox and Halo 2.
Have you actually looked at the WiiU's library?
Have you actually played WiiU's Online games?
Can you take the Rose Tinted Xbox Live Nostalgia Glasses for a second and acknowledge that Playing online on WiiU is truly no different than playing any online game on any system?
What Nintendo is doing IS their absolute BEST they can do for the WiiU. PERIOD.
The unfortunate side is that those games are delayed to hell and the releases are spread out because "reasons" and they're not good reasons either.
These are some of the facts that Nintendo is doing with the WiiU right now. They can no longer "bribe" 3rd Parties into making games for their system considering they sell poorly on the system due to the fact the system is Weaker than anticipated and the amount of time optimizing the game for the system is just not worth the TIME and EFFORT for 3rd Party Publishers. Ubisoft tried and THEY TRIED HARD and now we're just seeing Just Dance games from them because no one bought Assassin's Creed IV and no one bought Watchdogs or Splinter Cell. The data is there just look for it. (EA did dick though)
So for those of us that HAVE a WiiU we rely on Nintendo offerings because let's be honest they're the only ones giving content on WiiU this day and age (safe for a few indie devs). There is an absolute reason why many say that the WiiU is a great console for exclusives this generation and that's because Nintendo is pumping out some of the BEST exclusives that we have ever seen from the company.
Have you actually looked at the WiiU's library?
Have you actually played WiiU's Online games?
Can you take the Rose Tinted Xbox Live Nostalgia Glasses for a second and acknowledge that Playing online on WiiU is truly no different than playing any online game on any system?
Yes. Yes. I'm not wearing any "nostalgia glasses"(?), it's 2015 and they are still making multiplayer games with no online (Star Fox) or missing features that came out on console more than a decade ago (voice chat). These are facts, whether you like them or not. If they gave a damn, they could fix these issues, as Microsoft did over a decade ago.
What Nintendo is doing IS their absolute BEST they can do for the WiiU. PERIOD.
Repeating a lie and adding "PERIOD." at the end doesn't make it true. You can pretend that releasing an Animal Crossing board game (to go with the heap of OTHER minigame collections they've already released on WiiU) while their core games like Zelda, Metroid, F Zero, Fire Emblem, etc are either years away or never coming is their "best" if you want. It's not the reality though.
1. Bayo 2 is awesome. They should make/fund more games like it.
2. Bullshit, Dynasty Warriors is a crap series that (for some reason) sells well. Whoring out the Zelda license to make another spinoff of that series that was guaranteed to get X sales anyway is the OPPOSITE of risk taking. Hyrule Warriors got similar reviews and sales to the normal Dynasty Warriors games. There's nothing special about it.
3. Now you want me to be grateful that they even bother to release games here? Jesus. Not to mention they're the ONLY ONES who still region lock, which otherwise would make all this "will I get to play game X?" worry disappear overnight. Fatal Frame? Fatal Frame has only had one other game since then... which was Nintendo published. Oh, lets all be happy that they didn't **** us over this time the same way they did last time?
No, they don't get credit here. No one else screws around gamers with localisation. No one else region locks their hardware.
These are some of the facts that Nintendo is doing with the WiiU right now. They can no longer "bribe" 3rd Parties into making games for their system considering they sell poorly on the system due to the fact the system is Weaker than anticipated and the amount of time optimizing the game for the system is just not worth the TIME and EFFORT for 3rd Party Publishers. Ubisoft tried and THEY TRIED HARD and now we're just seeing Just Dance games from them because no one bought Assassin's Creed IV and no one bought Watchdogs or Splinter Cell. The data is there just look for it. (EA did dick though)
Wow, people didn't buy a "next gen console" for last gen games, what a shock.
So for those of us that HAVE a WiiU we rely on Nintendo offerings because let's be honest they're the only ones giving content on WiiU this day and age (safe for a few indie devs). There is an absolute reason why many say that the WiiU is a great console for exclusives this generation and that's because Nintendo is pumping out some of the BEST exclusives that we have ever seen from the company.
Of course WiiU relies on the 3 to 5 good Nintendo games a year, I expected nothing else after Wii. The ratio of rehashes ports and crap to actual gems is very bad though.
Be honest: do you actually think WiiU had a good year? At the very best, it has 3 good to great games this year: Splatoon, Mario Maker and Xenoblade. With these there's a couple rehashed 7/10 platformers, crap like Devil's Third, and more minigames to add to the pile.
Is THAT what you consider their "best"? Is that seriously ALL you expect from the guys who brought us consoles like the SNES and games like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2? Are you delighted that you got Hyrule Warriors and HD Windwaker rather than an actual Zelda? Are you looking forward to that god awful Metroid spinoff, rather than a full new console one as good as Super or Prime? Are you ok with F Zero being dead while we're averaging about 2 Mario platformers a year?
Have you actually looked at the WiiU's library?
Have you actually played WiiU's Online games?
Can you take the Rose Tinted Xbox Live Nostalgia Glasses for a second and acknowledge that Playing online on WiiU is truly no different than playing any online game on any system?
Yes. Yes. I'm not wearing any "nostalgia glasses"(?), it's 2015 and they are still making multiplayer games with no online (Star Fox) or missing features that came out on console more than a decade ago (voice chat). These are facts, whether you like them or not. If they gave a damn, they could fix these issues, as Microsoft did over a decade ago.
What Nintendo is doing IS their absolute BEST they can do for the WiiU. PERIOD.
Repeating a lie and adding "PERIOD." at the end doesn't make it true. You can pretend that releasing an Animal Crossing board game (to go with the heap of OTHER minigame collections they've already released on WiiU) while their core games like Zelda, Metroid, F Zero, Fire Emblem, etc are either years away or never coming is their "best" if you want. It's not the reality though.
1. Bayo 2 is awesome. They should make/fund more games like it.
2. Bullshit, Dynasty Warriors is a crap series that (for some reason) sells well. Whoring out the Zelda license to make another spinoff of that series that was guaranteed to get X sales anyway is the OPPOSITE of risk taking. Hyrule Warriors got similar reviews and sales to the normal Dynasty Warriors games. There's nothing special about it.
3. Now you want me to be grateful that they even bother to release games here? Jesus. Not to mention they're the ONLY ONES who still region lock, which otherwise would make all this "will I get to play game X?" worry disappear overnight. Fatal Frame? Fatal Frame has only had one other game since then... which was Nintendo published. Oh, lets all be happy that they didn't **** us over this time the same way they did last time?
No, they don't get credit here. No one else screws around gamers with localisation. No one else region locks their hardware.
These are some of the facts that Nintendo is doing with the WiiU right now. They can no longer "bribe" 3rd Parties into making games for their system considering they sell poorly on the system due to the fact the system is Weaker than anticipated and the amount of time optimizing the game for the system is just not worth the TIME and EFFORT for 3rd Party Publishers. Ubisoft tried and THEY TRIED HARD and now we're just seeing Just Dance games from them because no one bought Assassin's Creed IV and no one bought Watchdogs or Splinter Cell. The data is there just look for it. (EA did dick though)
Wow, people didn't buy a "next gen console" for last gen games, what a shock.
So for those of us that HAVE a WiiU we rely on Nintendo offerings because let's be honest they're the only ones giving content on WiiU this day and age (safe for a few indie devs). There is an absolute reason why many say that the WiiU is a great console for exclusives this generation and that's because Nintendo is pumping out some of the BEST exclusives that we have ever seen from the company.
Of course WiiU relies on the 3 to 5 good Nintendo games a year, I expected nothing else after Wii. The ratio of rehashes ports and crap to actual gems is very bad though.
Be honest: do you actually think WiiU had a good year? At the very best, it has 3 good to great games this year: Splatoon, Mario Maker and Xenoblade. With these there's a couple rehashed 7/10 platformers, crap like Devil's Third, and more minigames to add to the pile.
Is THAT what you consider their "best"? Is that seriously ALL you expect from the guys who brought us consoles like the SNES and games like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2? Are you delighted that you got Hyrule Warriors and HD Windwaker rather than an actual Zelda? Are you looking forward to that god awful Metroid spinoff, rather than a full new console one as good as Super or Prime? Are you ok with F Zero being dead while we're averaging about 2 Mario platformers a year?
Like I said previously, Nintendo at this point COULD throw money at Capcom to make another Monster Hunter game for WiiU, but Capcom would probably say "We rather make it for 3DS instead" and Nintendo would be fine with that because you can't just force a game developer to make whatever because you said so. That's why we didn't get F-Zero on WiiU at launch.
@LegatoSkyheart: One small caveat, the DS was region lock free. Nintendo isn't perfect, like everything else made by humans, they should be getting flack over region locking and their Youtube policy.
The Wii U could have been a disaster, and in a sense, it is. However, the library it has accumulated is about as much as you would want and then some. As a secondary console, it's perfect. It has enough in its library to distinguish itself from other consoles and the PC. From 2012-2014, it really was the only console that offers a compelling reason to buy one on its library alone. The PS4 and Xbox One? A half baked Destiny, half finished Assassin's Creed, and remasters does not make a compelling argument.
They're supporting WiiU properly, the best they could possibly support a console like WiiU.
Lol. A lineup of rehashed 2D platformers and minigame collections, lame spinoffs, backwards designs, last gen ports and the occasional gem amongst the crap is NOT their "best".
At a bare minimum, their best efforts would certainly include Zelda and Metroid, and an online system at least on par with the original Xbox and Halo 2.
Have you actually looked at the WiiU's library?
Have you actually played WiiU's Online games?
Can you take the Rose Tinted Xbox Live Nostalgia Glasses for a second and acknowledge that Playing online on WiiU is truly no different than playing any online game on any system?
There is absolutely a massive difference from playing Smash online to playing Street Fighter, Skull Girls, King of Fighters 13, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, and quite a few other fightng games online. Be it on PC, PSN or Xbox Live.
There is a major difference in playing a game like Splatoon and all these other shooters that launched with basic features like the ability to actually speak to your teammates or your friends. The netcode is really good for Splatoon and Mario Kart 8, sure, it's fucking terrible for smash.
You could apply this statement to the PS4 too, funnily enough.
No, you couldn't. Of course PS4, like just about every console ever, has it's share of bad/boring/rehashed/ported games, but it's library doesn't rely on them. The WiiU does.
Sony's first party support has been awful, but PS4 doesn't even need first party to have a good library. The WiiU does.
That doesnt even make any sense.
So its okay that PS4 has good third party support, and next to zero first party support. But bad that Wii U has an excellent first party lineup with zero third party support? You realize that you cant release a system and then expect others to carry it right? Remember what happened with the Vita? Both consoles are greatly lacking in support, but in different ways.
Yes, because there are more third party games getting released on the PS4 per year compared to the 1st party output on the Wii U.
If the quantity of games getting released was the same on both platforms you would have a point, but that isn't the case.
@The_Power_of_X: Too bad you didnt get no Nintendo games, some of the best rated and selling games of the year, your really missing out mate.
Games that we've all played since the 80's and 90's. Those franchises are becoming stale as hell. Yes, Nintendo hasn't lost their ability to make quality games, but the fact is Mario and Zelda just aren't as relevant as they use to be. Its time Nintendo moves on.
Mario Maker was much better than I expected. I love how Nintendo has taken big steps with embracing online communities by allowing modifications to their classic games. I would rate Mario Maker higher than any other AAA game released this year, no contest.
Mario Maker sold me. Picking up the Walmart bundle. I don't care if that is the only game I ever play on it. System seller to the max.
This entire console generation has been a downer, tbh
I feel the same way until maybe a certain part of 2015.
When has it not been a downer? A console the general public just didn't want that has been given the bare minimum over the years, if that. How many games actually used the tablet in any significant way? Imagine if instead of that they had put the money saved into power and made a stab at a real competitor. They didn't justify the pad and it cost them a great deal.
Like I said previously, Nintendo at this point COULD throw money at Capcom to make another Monster Hunter game for WiiU, but Capcom would probably say "We rather make it for 3DS instead" and Nintendo would be fine with that because you can't just force a game developer to make whatever because you said so. That's why we didn't get F-Zero on WiiU at launch.
1. Mario Kart is a great game. Still doesn't change the FACT that they release games without voice chat and without online for multiplayer modes. In 2015, those are ridiculous. That is NOT Nintendo at their "best".
2. I single out the Animal Crossing spinoff because it's a symbol of what's wrong with WiiU's library. You are just scrambling to defend them for no reason, they "couldn't find a developer" for F Zero? You're telling me they piously "tried" but no one would help? Lol. They could make the damn game if they wanted. They'd rather rehash minigames instead though. That is NOT Nintendo at their best.
3. It got roughly the same reviews and sales as any Dynasty Warriors game. Decent game I guess but nothing surprising, did YOU enjoy it? Did you not find it repetitive and button bashy? That was my experience of DW. That type of gameplay is NOT Nintendo at their best.
4. "They've always region locked, so it's ok!". Jesus dude, stop apologising for this shit. Yes, I have imported region free games, though rarely as no one else seems to screw around as much. I imported Rock Band for my PS3 last gen, as there were legal troubles that delayed it for a year or two, from coming to Europe. I still have never played Excitebots or Trauma Team, Wii games that looked enjoyable, as Nintendo never localised them. I don't know any games MS refused to localise, btw, and Xbone is region free.
5. Yes, there are many ports, there are also next gen exclusive titles. I don't know anyone who bought a next console to buy last gen games.
6. So you agree it's been a shit year for WiiU, but also that Nintendo have done ALL they can? So are you saying they can NEVER have a good year ever again? You are saying it's IMPOSSIBLE for them to add in a few more quality core titles to make all the ports/remakes, spinoffs, rehashes, droughts and mediocrity a bit better? Why? They have the cash, they have the talent, they have the strongest hardware they've ever used, why can't they make something beyond minigames, 2D games, and like one AAA production game a year?
The WiiU is an abomination. No Zelda, no Metroid, not even a real 3D Mario. Nintendo really gave no fucks about it.
From 2012-2014, it really was the only console that offers a compelling reason to buy one on its library alone. The PS4 and Xbox One? A half baked Destiny, half finished Assassin's Creed, and remasters does not make a compelling argument.
Agreed about PS4 and XBone, but the thing is, PS3 and Xbox 360 were still getting games then. Absolute top ones like Halo 4 (late 2012) and The Last Of Us (2013), plus multiplats like Bioshock Infinite and GTAV, and even in 2014 stuff like Dark Souls II and Titanfall.
While the Xbone and PS4 definitely had very slow starts, the 360 and PS3 had strong finishes. At no point was there a time when WiiU could be the best console out there, either last gen or new gen consoles always beat it, sadly.
For all I bitch you probably won't believe me, but I actually thought it would have been AMAZING if the WiiU had a year when the 360/PS3 were dying, Xbone/PS4 hadn't done much, but WiiU smashed it out of the park with a Wii 2007 style lineup (Wii Sports, Mario, Paper Mario, Metroid, Zelda, all in a year). It just never happened though.
The WiiU is an abomination. No Zelda, no Metroid, not even a real 3D Mario. Nintendo really gave no fucks about it.
No Zelda and No Metroid both have me pretty sad right now... especially "No Metroid."
In addition to what's already available on the Wii U (which is a lot), there is still a few gems left to look forward to for the remainder of the year: [Remaining lineup of Wii U titles 2015]
Fatal Frame, Xenoblade and FAST NEO are all games I'm planning to purchase.
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