just like crytk didnt release PC footage for crysis 2, im afraid dice wont release any for console either. not anytime soon at leastwonderd how much im going to be dissappoined after seeeing what its going to be like on pc :(
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Based on the footage I've seen, comparing Battlefield 3 on PC to Battlefield Bad Company 2 on Xbox 360 is like comparing Halo 3 to Halo 2. Halo is still playable, but it looks like garbage now. Battlefield 3 (PC version) is a generation ahead. Also, playing this game on pc on medium to high settings will still look way better than playing on the consoles.No, my point is BFBC 2 which is now a 2 year old console game still looks very good even now and BF 3 will look even better. It just seems that the PC segment has this opinion that the difference between the PC and console versions VISUALLY will be so vast that it is incomprehensible. My opinion is that you all are kidding yourselves if you think DICE is going to give the PC gamers a golden egg and the console segment a turd. DICE cannot afford to have the console version to be anything less than stellar if they hope to actually outsell MW3. Yes, the BF series has it cult following on the console, but unless BF3 is mind blowing, it will still and always be second for console gamers as far as military shooters go. Battlefield 3 will look as good as the current gen consoles are capable of making it look. It won't look bad. The PC is just a generation ahead in terms of tech right now. DICE should be applauded for taking advantage of that difference.[QUOTE="PurpleMan5000"][QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]
I simply dont understand why HARDCORE PC gamers have this idea in their heads that BF3 on consoles is going to look like complete trash. First of all, I seriously doubt that more than maybe only 10% of you are going to get the oppurtunity to "max out" BF3 visually and still have descent frame rates. I promise you that the vast majority of PC gamers will be running BF3 on medium to high settings and of those I bet atleast 50% will be running it at 1366 x 768 or 1440 x 900. I will most likely get it on PC because I now prefer M/KB to controller. Secondly, have any of you played BFBC 2 on consoles. It is a very good looking game and now you all seem to think that even with updated graphics, Frostbite 2 and everything, somehow BF3 will look worse than BFBC 2 on consoles?? No and NO!!!! So keep your PC fanboyisms in check as the vast majority of you wont be playing the game at any better visuals than what consoles are at.
Dont bring up...64 players, dedicated servers and mods, because nobody cares. Consoles get DLC and XBL is just fine!!
I can remember when Goldeneye came out on the N64 and I thought its graphics were amazing. People will get used to better graphics next gen and Battlefield 2 will look outdated on the consoles. On the PC, it will look like it belongs in that gen.
Hermits should stop trolling the consolites - you know damn well it's goona be the best shooter on the consoles by miles...you want to put them off and back on to CoD? Why, why would you want to do that you sadists?!Kan0nF0dderWhy should the "consolites" get put off just because the PC version of a game looks great? The console version of Battlefield 3 will still look better than any of the COD games.
the day that gameplay for consoles is released is the day youll see a million dice hate threads saying that they arent using the "full power of teh consolez!"
It will look great, not as great as the PC version but i won't look bad at all despite what Hermits say.
Modders will make their own tools if needed. It's never stopped them in the past.[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Sandvichman"] What mods? Dice has confirmed NO mod tools for BF3, dedicated servers exist on all platforms. Sandvichman
Goodluck making tools for frostbite 2. If this is the case, why havent we seen awesome mods for bc2? :O
Dice need entite server farms just to do the destruction, you think a couple of modders can do better?
Huh? It's calculated in real time on your computer.
There will be come E3, Sony's press conference will undoubtedly showcase it since Modern Warfare 3 will most likely be showcased at Microsoft's press conference
"MAG has over 200+ players at once on the ps3 ..why can't BF3 handle that?"[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]
the day that gameplay for consoles is released is the day youll see a million dice hate threads saying that they arent using the "full power of teh consolez!"
lol the MAG arguement. I love how people always precede it with "I'm not saying MAG was a good game, but..." :P
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