.... a console set to launch in any given year, when the system still hadnt been officially announced as of April of that same year?
Any speculation as to why MS is holding back? Trying to quickly tweak things to out do what Sony showed? Is it just a mind f_ck?
Is MS just unprepared?
I honestly don't have a clue, I can't imagine MS waiting until E3 (June) to announce a system thats supposed to launch 6 mo. later.
I'll say this though, MS is gonna have to be very convincing to get me to buy into their machine this time around. I'm tired of paying for "LIVE" to use online functions. Also, MS really stabbed me in the back these past few years with their minimal effort put towards anything "core" gaming related that I couldnt play on another platform.
Right now, all signs, point to me jumping back to the PS brand. PS/Wii U/PC/3DS... and a XBOX ?Infinity? (my guess) years down the road after they have a hand ful of titles that are available on the cheap, and most likely a price drop on the system itself?
Where do you stand atm, System Warriors in terms of your plans for gaming this gen??
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