There have been two primary reasons for which people have bashed the PS3 for since E3 2006: price and software.
These are legitimate criticisms, but they've been taken to such extremes as to declare the PS3 "doomed", "finished," or "out of the race."
I suspect that Sony's main reason for keeping the price of the PS3 high for so long is that they were reluctant to have the console encroach upon the profits of the PS2.
You're joking, right?
Its a hightech piece of mulitmedia and to have it cost so much and do so much, SOny couldnt afford, or should i say didnt want to lose alot of money initially, to drop the price for aliitle while...That is the main reason they didnt drop the price...
I mean, why put bluray technology in a system, along with all of the other tech in it to play blueray formatted game discs, and then turn around and try and sale it for a low price so soon after launchng it? It would be suicidal for Sony to release the system at launch at a steal price of 299 or 399...
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