Knack in 2016!
Was knack good for a little kid? My buddy was looking for a game for his 7 year old to play.
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Knack in 2016!
Was knack good for a little kid? My buddy was looking for a game for his 7 year old to play.
LOL! It was fun to me, put it on hard difficulty and give it a whirl. Slightly repetitive and a fairly nonsensical plot, but a fun game. I would have given it a 7. It had good boss battles, which was its shining grace,
Ryse is pedestrian shit though.
And @locopatho, @Krelian-co Played it a lot?
I have. What parts/levels did you not like and why? Maybe we can play multiplayer sometime. What is your gamertag?
Played it at an MS event before the ONE launched. It was dreadful, nothing but endless "epic" slow motion and QTEs, and when there weren't QTEs there was just button bashing. Why would I own it?
You played a demo? Play the full game and maybe you'll change your mind. It wasn't a QTE fest it was a fun game and fun is the reason I play games.
Knack in 2016!
Was knack good for a little kid? My buddy was looking for a game for his 7 year old to play.
LOL! It was fun to me, put it on hard difficulty and give it a whirl. Slightly repetitive and a fairly nonsensical plot, but a fun game. I would have given it a 7. It had good boss battles, which was its shining grace,
I do not have a PS4, but some of my friends do, and one of them asked me about it. I actually wasn't trying to be demeaning. :-)
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
He's just upset because he champions a system he doesn't even own. El Tormented has mental issues I believe.
@slader236: good post. I did have fun with Ryse, though I didn't finish it even once. It is an ok game in my book. Just I preferred playing dr3 and KI when I got my X1. This point that is brought up is why I game. FUN. If its ever not fun, I'll stop. I think its why I make an effort not to place some so called standard on what I play. Who made this, thing a standard? And how does it make my gaming more fun by following it? I decide what's fun for me, and remaining open to 600p, or Kinect games, or Indies helps me have more fun.
Ryse is extremely fun, on Legendary it's extremely satisfying when you beat a level and survive. If you want to play with zero QTE's don't press LT and just slash the enemy a couple of more times. Now if you need health or focus, you will appreciate the QTE cinematic. Again try and not judge by the E3 builds shown of the game, you are surely missing a fun, satisfying and extremely polished game.
Ryse is pedestrian shit though.
And @locopatho, @Krelian-co Played it a lot?
I have. What parts/levels did you not like and why? Maybe we can play multiplayer sometime. What is your gamertag?
Played it at an MS event before the ONE launched. It was dreadful, nothing but endless "epic" slow motion and QTEs, and when there weren't QTEs there was just button bashing. Why would I own it?
As I said, I played it. Borrowed it, never finished it. I don't get the button mashing comments though. If you just button mash attack, enemies start to dodge, and shielded ones block. You have to parry, or break guard then attack. It isn't all that good at all, but that button mashing excuse is an outright lie in the released game.
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
Really? Come on Tormentos! You left me out?
Lol eltormo. I am a happy lemming, not a sad one. I enjoy ryse, i already explained to you, i like Rome, i like the gameplay and story.
I made one post where i laughed about the game being scored lower than titanfall on GS and your favourite site Metacritic. Clearly you didn't like that hahaha.
I also said the game has "nursery school colours" (which it does) how is that any different than your "titanfall is cod with robots" statement (which is false btw)
Again, I am very happy with my XB1, Ryse & Titanfall.
You are so sad, that you haven't bought a PS4 yet.
Also, dont try and tell me what i can and can't say.
This thread proves that gamers who played ryse (even heil68) disagree with the reviews.
Do us all a favour, either buy a PS4 or XB1 and be happy.
Just stop being such a fucking baby about everything.
Yeah and i like platformers to and Knack sucked.
No you were downplaying the game based on the graphics been nursery chool colors and crap like that,a game which by the way you don't own and i call you for it,saying that there goes your argument about having to own something to be able to talk about
Titanfall is COD with robots and all it takes is a few minutes of gameplay,damn even
But since you play it you claim is not,but hey you also claim Ryse is great and is not so yeah your opinion mean little,you will lie just to make the crappy xbox one look good,the game is crap and has a low score every where for that reason,can't have it both ways..
Since when you agree with heli.? Because when he say something good about a PS game that was score bad you don't take his word for it,in fact you take no ones word for it you have been here in countless thread about PS3 games.
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
He's just upset because he champions a system he doesn't even own. El Tormented has mental issues I believe.
You quoting your alter
Ryse looks like it's just all flash and no substance - of course there's going to be those out there that will like that sort of shallow entertainment and find it fun. That doesn't discount it being a weak game overall though.
Ryse looks like it's just all flash and no substance - of course there's going to be those out there that will like that sort of shallow entertainment and find it fun. That doesn't discount it being a weak game overall though.
it's a crytek game... pretty but terrible,
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
He's just upset because he champions a system he doesn't even own. El Tormented has mental issues I believe.
You quoting your alter
Sorry kid, I don't have any alts.
It's low brow entertainment with as much fun as you would except from a Michael Bay blockbuster. Good if you enjoy, but don't pretend it's GOTY just to justify spending over 500 bucks.
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
He's just upset because he champions a system he doesn't even own. El Tormented has mental issues I believe.
You quoting your alter
Sorry kid, I don't have any alts.
I think he assumes everyone has alts, because:
Ryse was shit but hardcore lems are still in denial the biggest launch game was terrible.
On GS it was shit and so was Knack.
Everywhere else in the world, the game was average. Most of the PS3 launch games were worse then Ryse & Knack overall.
Hardcore cows are still in denial of Knack and KZ:SF flops. lol!! Ironic hypocrites.
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
You're an idiot first and foremost. You seem to be an expert on every single PS4 and XB1 game, when you don't even own either system. LMAO!! You are truly the JOKE of SW. You call hermits, sheep and manticores, LEMS. Everyone is a LEM to you if they don't agree with your praises for Sony and the PS4. Please give it a rest TROLL. Fall off the podium and crawl back under your rock already.
@tormentos: First off, I am not a lemming. I have said positive and negative things about the XBox One, and positive and negative things about the PS4. What I don't do, is spout FUD like you do.
Also, I don't act like I have played games when I have not. I have made fun of cows when PS3/4 games have flopped, but I don't act as though I have played them. I do the same with 360/One games.
Just because someone defends the XBox One from zealots like you, does not make that person a fanboy. You may not be able to discern the difference, but that is your problem, not mine.
You can "save" every single post I make - your neuroticism does not affect me.
Man lemming this generation are pathetic...
And counting who deny been lemmings but you do is kiss MS ass.
You're an idiot first and foremost. You seem to be an expert on every single PS4 and XB1 game, when you don't even own either system. LMAO!! You are truly the JOKE of SW. You call hermits, sheep and manticores, LEMS. Everyone is a LEM to you if they don't agree with your praises for Sony and the PS4. Please give it a rest TROLL. Fall off the podium and crawl back under your rock already.
He also knows more than all of the gaming journalists and industry experts...
You're an idiot first and foremost. You seem to be an expert on every single PS4 and XB1 game, when you don't even own either system. LMAO!! You are truly the JOKE of SW. You call hermits, sheep and manticores, LEMS. Everyone is a LEM to you if they don't agree with your praises for Sony and the PS4. Please give it a rest TROLL. Fall off the podium and crawl back under your rock already.
So i have to own the Chicago Bulls to be able to know about basket ball.? What kind of lame ass excuse is that.?
Oh wait you owned a PS3 yet you didn't even know the PS3 had game sharing.? So either your are rather ignorant about the consoles you own,or probably you didn't own one.
You are a lemming owning multiple systems doesn't make you a manticore here is the faction you defend most,which happen to be MS and the xbox brand 99% always,you make crappy argument some how always give the good side to MS and cast shadows over sony,so yeah you are a damn biased Lemming and you fool no one here hell you can make a poll if you want to see how people see you oh a manticore i am sure it will not
You are a lemming be proud of what you are.
Sorry kid, I don't have any alts.
I think he assumes everyone has alts, because:
In your case is because your posting style is very similar,and both hold to the same arguments some times word by
He also knows more than all of the gaming journalists and industry experts...
Oh please STFU your prediction of Titanfall selling and journalist was based on Titanfall been sold apart not given free,which was known only like 2 weeks from launch of the game,MS was force to give the game away with new consoles and even drop the price in UK to be able to sell something,that is not a console seller that is a free game bundle which people would have bough with a price drops just the same.
Hell MS hasn't given any details on its sales neither did EA the rumors point at less than 1 million units sold,is a damn disaster if the game sold that,with all the money MS spend on the game in promotions ads and who knows what more..
The game failed and you can deny it all you want if the game was such a great success MS would not be giving it away to new owners that is a given,they never gave Halo free with the original xbox 3 months from launch,and didn't do that with lesser games either on xbox 360.
So yeah you and journalist failed,just like many times journalist have.
You're an idiot first and foremost. You seem to be an expert on every single PS4 and XB1 game, when you don't even own either system. LMAO!! You are truly the JOKE of SW. You call hermits, sheep and manticores, LEMS. Everyone is a LEM to you if they don't agree with your praises for Sony and the PS4. Please give it a rest TROLL. Fall off the podium and crawl back under your rock already.
So i have to own the Chicago Bulls to be able to know about basket ball.? What kind of lame ass excuse is that.?
Oh wait you owned a PS3 yet you didn't even know the PS3 had game sharing.? So either your are rather ignorant about the consoles you own,or probably you didn't own one.
You are a lemming owning multiple systems doesn't make you a manticore here is the faction you defend most,which happen to be MS and the xbox brand 99% always,you make crappy argument some how always give the good side to MS and cast shadows over sony,so yeah you are a damn biased Lemming and you fool no one here hell you can make a poll if you want to see how people see you oh a manticore i am sure it will not
You are a lemming be proud of what you are.
Sorry kid, I don't have any alts.
I think he assumes everyone has alts, because:
In your case is because your posting style is very similar,and both hold to the same arguments some times word by
He also knows more than all of the gaming journalists and industry experts...
Oh please STFU your prediction of Titanfall selling and journalist was based on Titanfall been sold apart not given free,which was known only like 2 weeks from launch of the game,MS was force to give the game away with new consoles and even drop the price in UK to be able to sell something,that is not a console seller that is a free game bundle which people would have bough with a price drops just the same.
Hell MS hasn't given any details on its sales neither did EA the rumors point at less than 1 million units sold,is a damn disaster if the game sold that,with all the money MS spend on the game in promotions ads and who knows what more..
The game failed and you can deny it all you want if the game was such a great success MS would not be giving it away to new owners that is a given,they never gave Halo free with the original xbox 3 months from launch,and didn't do that with lesser games either on xbox 360.
So yeah you and journalist failed,just like many times journalist have.
So defensive... Dude, you are still at it - every fricken site and mag on the planet is calling TitanFall a system seller. But, you expect everyone in SW to ignore the press and believe you. It's really fricken funny to me - especially since you keep it up.
Now, you are even calling the game "a disaster", which I could barely type without laughing.
On an epic scale...
So defensive... Dude, you are still at it - every fricken site and mag on the planet is calling TitanFall a system seller. But, you expect everyone in SW to ignore the press and believe you. It's really fricken funny to me - especially since you keep it up.
Now, you are even calling the game "a disaster", which I could barely type without laughing.
On an epic scale...
Calling a system seller based on what.? Where is the proof that Titanfall sold 1 million xbox one or 2 million because that is what system sellers do sell consoles by the millions.?
Oh wait it doesn't exist and sales are been say to be lower than 1 million units that is a disaster Forza sold more than that already and wasn't even half as advertize as Titanfall was.
Now please link me to MS or EA saying this game sold at least 1.8 million copies like i predicted it would sell and i may change my opinion,hell my 1.8 million estimate was for the first days not almost 1 month after,this game was heavily advertise even on sites like this they even have themed ads covering the page of the site.
So yeah if this game didn't sell even 1 million units on its first few days it was a disaster,and maybe would explain the silence on numbers from both EA and MS.
When I see a review of a game all I look at is the score it gets, from there I head to the forums to read actual gamers opinions on the game. I find every reviewer to be so out of touch with the community htat they don't give us a real sense of the game. I own a good amount of games that have "reviewed" badly but I've loved.
So defensive... Dude, you are still at it - every fricken site and mag on the planet is calling TitanFall a system seller. But, you expect everyone in SW to ignore the press and believe you. It's really fricken funny to me - especially since you keep it up.
Now, you are even calling the game "a disaster", which I could barely type without laughing.
On an epic scale...
Calling a system seller based on what.? Where is the proof that Titanfall sold 1 million xbox one or 2 million because that is what system sellers do sell consoles by the millions.?
Oh wait it doesn't exist and sales are been say to be lower than 1 million units that is a disaster Forza sold more than that already and wasn't even half as advertize as Titanfall was.
Now please link me to MS or EA saying this game sold at least 1.8 million copies like i predicted it would sell and i may change my opinion,hell my 1.8 million estimate was for the first days not almost 1 month after,this game was heavily advertise even on sites like this they even have themed ads covering the page of the site.
So yeah if this game didn't sell even 1 million units on its first few days it was a disaster,and maybe would explain the silence on numbers from both EA and MS.
Hardware sales alone Link
Simple google search. I have never heard of the site before. However, if you just google "titanfall sales", you can do your own research. If that site is correct, by mid-March the XBox One Titanfall bundles sales reached 700K.
Hardware sales alone Link
Simple google search. I have never heard of the site before. However, if you just google "titanfall sales", you can do your own research. If that site is correct, by mid-March the XBox One Titanfall bundles sales reached 700K.
Yeah you just prove my point the game sold 700k that is a failure,worse look at the hardware sales.
That is a disaster..
Come on dude this game should have move more than that,if i owned an xbox one i would have the game now,it was the game to own based on hype alone and there are more than 3 million xbox one.
Also the PS4 outselling the xbox one close to 7 to 1 in mainland EU is epic.
Hardware sales alone Link
Simple google search. I have never heard of the site before. However, if you just google "titanfall sales", you can do your own research. If that site is correct, by mid-March the XBox One Titanfall bundles sales reached 700K.
Yeah you just prove my point the game sold 700k that is a failure,worse look at the hardware sales.
That is a disaster..
Come on dude this game should have move more than that,if i owned an xbox one i would have the game now,it was the game to own based on hype alone and there are more than 3 million xbox one.
Also the PS4 outselling the xbox one close to 7 to 1 in mainland EU is epic.
Those are TitanFall bundles, not individual game sales...
Those are TitanFall bundles, not individual game sales...
Those are game sales and hardware sales.
Titanfall sells 700,000 copies
700k copies not 700k bundles..
UK :
Xbox One - 23,000 units
PS4 - 27,000 units
Titanfall Xbox One - 125,000 copies
Titanfall Xbox One - 480,000 copies
We do not have the final hardware numbers for last week, but based on the near final numbers, we have PS4 and Xbox One being virtually neck and neck, with each console selling over 100,000 units
148k for UK between copies and bundles,125k copies stand alone 23k bundles.
580k between copies and hardware 480k copies stand alone for US, 100k bundles.
580k + 148k + 12k mainland EU = 740k... remember that not all hardware sold were bundles as sites like Amazon had stand alone units a few pound cheaper.
As a launch title Ryse hit the mark. Of course the reviewers picked it apart and when they were done with it, it was lolz from the usual crowd here at sw.
However, everyone now knows Killzone is garbage and Ryse is a lot better in every way including graphics.
If it weren't for the bad publicity, Ryse 2 has HUGE potential.
I loved the story, graphics and sound in Ryse, no PS4 game comes close to those graphics at the moment. Gameplay wise isn't that great, it's fun, but I get why some people would call it repetitive. I would give it a 7-8/10
Haha. You have not played infamous second son have you. Its not 2013 anymore champ.
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