Today I was playing CoD4 and I decided to be a bit of a jerk. I don't usually act like a jerk, but I decided to do it anyway. I joined a hardcore match and started killing one specific team mate. Just for the heck of it. Now, he had a mic and was a pretty nice guy, but as soon as I killed him I knew that there was no going back.
Eventually he started getting irritated and through yo momma jokes at me. I answered randomly saying "Pokemon" and "You wanna get high?"
He then challenged me to a one on one cage match, and I accepted. In the lobby I again asked him if he wanted to get high. I do a great Towelie impersonation from South Park by the way ;)
During the game I beat him-- bad. He was only a level 46 and I was a level 37 Third Rank.
After the game it got real intense as I told him that he sucked really bad and that only little children and cavemen through yo momma jokes around. Eventually, I started to annoy him by saying "What?" everytime he said something and then I started twisting his words around. He told me he was very placid (which meant very relaxed) and I kept on twisting the word around to "plastic" so I said "Why are you telling me about your enlargement surgeries?"
Again I NEVER do this, but for some reason I was just in the mood.
Eventually he told me that he would be right back because he had to pee. (I swear to you that I am not making any of it up).
He came back and I told him that I had to go, but at some point we actually became FRIENDS. I told him that it was all in fun and he said "Oh don't worry, we Irish are very placid and love to have fun too" and I agreed and asked "do you drink beer" in which he responded "I'm drinking one right now"
He told me that I wasn't such a bad guy and we left off on a very positive note despite all the yo momma jokes and the "you get bullied at school" jokes.
So, it wasn't really a fight because we ended up becoming friends but that's probably my best story.
How about you? Have you ever witnessed a fight/participated in one online? How bad did it get? Did you walk out the winner?
Lol, I really want to hear some of your stories so post away :P
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