Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
Looks like it wasnt all.
And that matters Why?EPaul
because Cows were running rampant around here bashing Lemmings for their subpar HD resolutions on games. But here come the Cow comments "Who cares if it looks good.... blah blah blah...."
"If the game looks good and it runs smoothly, those are the important things to me"
well, it DOESN'T look good..j
We prioritise a nice smooth framerate over a different res. Personally, I don't really buy the whole thing. People did the same with Call of Duty, they did the same with Halo, and they say with those games 'It's not running at true HD!' And it's like, I don't care. If the game looks good and it runs smoothly, those are the important things to me.
I agree with this man.
We prioritise a nice smooth framerate over a different res. Personally, I don't really buy the whole thing. People did the same with Call of Duty, they did the same with Halo, and they say with those games 'It's not running at true HD!' And it's like, I don't care. If the game looks good and it runs smoothly, those are the important things to me.
I agree with this man.
so you think HAze looks good?
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"]We prioritise a nice smooth framerate over a different res. Personally, I don't really buy the whole thing. People did the same with Call of Duty, they did the same with Halo, and they say with those games 'It's not running at true HD!' And it's like, I don't care. If the game looks good and it runs smoothly, those are the important things to me.
I agree with this man.
so you think HAze looks good?
Hell no, the guy said IFOn any other game I would agree, but Haze doesn't look impressive but I would expect it to run smoothly.
Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
Erm....... I don't think anyone thought Haze would be a graphical powerhouse....... I would have assumed that you would know that if you had watched any gameplay footage..............
Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
You've got to be kidding me. Haze is one of the worst-looking games on the Playstation 3.
Poor coding, poor coding, poor coding. And that's all there is to it.
DMC4 looks better than Haze, COD4 looks better than Haze, honestly, Halo 3 looks better than haze, Resistance looks better than Haze....certainly, and there's no contest on this, Uncharted and Ratchet look better than Haze.
The lemming. BEHOLD.
But, yes, Littlewood did finally shed some light on why Haze looks so hideous. And for the record, its performance ain't worth the drawbacks on image quality/fidelity....it's spotty at best. The myth that there's a tradeoff going on here is bogus. These guys just managed to make a game that's ugly in every facet.
Because Sony Promised **4D Graphics**, and instead shipped the RSX...a series 7 based card from Nvidia. LMAO, yes it is funny, only you got a PS3 maybe you don't see it that way.hywel69
Sony took back those promises before the console was shipped, by the way.
Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
Wait a second....wasn't MGS4 claimed by all you lems to be the same and then you were proven wrong. Let's just say I'm not believing anything from anyone anymore. Too much fanboy crap goes on these days.
Because Sony Promised **4D Graphics**, and instead shipped the RSX...a series 7 based card from Nvidia. LMAO, yes it is funny, only you got a PS3 maybe you don't see it that way.hywel69
So, Haze is representative for the capability of the PS3?
One 3rd party game?
[QUOTE="UnnDunn"]Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
Wait a second....wasn't MGS4 claimed by all you lems to be the same and then you were proven wrong. Let's just say I'm not believing anything from anyone anymore. Too much fanboy crap goes on these days.
Did you click the link? One of the developers of the game specifically confirms that it runs 576p.So much for the HD console era eh.
the 1080p standard lol. These toolish spokes-people who talk up these systems certainly are the enemy within of the consoles wars. Or the companies the greater evil of their own product.
I mean cmon people 'hd gaming' has been the PC standard since the late 90s.
question, do any of you morons that keep going "teh powah of tehh celll" actually no wat the cell does? Miss_WacyYes actually. I just said it to lampoon all the cows who don't know what it does. But still spout "OMG the POWA of teh CELL" at every opportinuty, as if it means something.
Just saying, is all.
But teh POWER of teh CELL!
See, none of this would be a problem if Sony hadn't run its mouth early on, like "our HD is the only true HD" and "the next generation only starts when we say it does."
And the power of all Xbox 360 games will be required to run at 720p with free 4xAA. Blabbityblabbityblah.
[QUOTE="bragac200"][QUOTE="Drukter"]It looks horrible and its 576p? Crappy game.thrones
Yeah, seriously who cares about Haze anyway? It's just another generic shooter, reminds me of Crysis. We saw how well that did...
Haze vs Crysis
Hmm crysis wins hands down but calling it a generic shooter would give me the impression you haven't played it, sure its not the most revolutionary game although its still far from generic shooter catergory.
Personally after playing the demo i'm sticking to my original assumption on the title and kicking it to the rental bin.
funny thing is i see lemmings do it all the time in ps3 hate threads, they make just wait topics more then cows have ever doneMiss_Wacy
MMM, joke?
[QUOTE="EPaul"]And that matters Why?sts106mat
when a console sells itself as the only true HD system you'd think games would be in HD?
Spoken truth. two big PS3 games GTA and Haze, running below HD res. Does anyone know what MGS4 is confirmed to run at?
The MGO Beta supposedly ran at 1024x768. I guess that qualifies as proper HD, even if it does render less pixels than 1280x720. And then that was a beta.
[QUOTE="AmyMizuno"]Am I the only person who could care less about haze? It's just another run-of-the-mill first person shooter, and I think it will get a 6.5.speedsix
I couldn't care less about Haze.
Agreed. I still do not understand why this game was hyped.
Haze is 720p when I played the demo it was full screen on my 720p tv there was no black areas so theres no way it is 576p
Nice try leeming, way to go self owning yourself, when the fact is haze has good potential in graphics and gameplay to rival halo 2.5
EXTRA EXTRA! Upscaling! Read all about it!
Also perhaps you should read what Derek Littlewood, Creative Lead at Free Radical, is saying, and realize that it would be rather weird for him to lie.
Haze is 720p when I played the demo it was full screen on my 720p tv there was no black areas so theres no way it is 576p
Nice try leeming, way to go self owning yourself, when the fact is haze has good potential in graphics and gameplay to rival halo 2.5
Sorry Troll_John but it's true, it just scales to 720p.
Am I the only person who could care less about haze? It's just another run-of-the-mill first person shooter, and I think it will get a 6.5.AmyMizuno
Now THIS I can agree completely and totally with you on. It confounds me why it is recieving more hype than Resistance 2, a game that has a great predecessor and that has looked fantastic from the get-go.
Haze is 720p when I played the demo it was full screen on my 720p tv there was no black areas so theres no way it is 576p
Nice try leeming, way to go self owning yourself, when the fact is haze has good potential in graphics and gameplay to rival halo 2.5
Upscale, anyone?
[QUOTE="speedsix"][QUOTE="AmyMizuno"]Am I the only person who could care less about haze? It's just another run-of-the-mill first person shooter, and I think it will get a 6.5.The_Game21x
I couldn't care less about Haze.
Agreed. I still do not understand why this game was hyped.
I don't understand why it's getting all this raging internet hate. It really doesn't deserve it. It's a decent game from a group of talented people. The story has potential. They're trying to do something different there, but I guess people don't care about that, because it's running at 576p after all.
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