[QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="Grive"][QUOTE="ironcreed"] I admire him for having the balls to stand up to "teh mighty hALO." myself.
You make it sound as if he did something noteworthy.
You don't need "balls" to spout idiotic nonsense... you actually just need a notable lack of maturity. Especially since the guy has no basis whatsoever to his argument.
Reality Check: Halo was great. Halo 2 was very good - not Halo, but hardly trash. There is no need to "stand up to" the hype of Halo. It's well deserved and well acquired. Bashing the game's "lack" of direct, obvious references to current world events just because your game uses them is childish and petty.
Yescombe's a small person, not a ballsy one.
MGS story is a convoluted series of unrelated nonsensical twists. If, like the game I'm designing, it were to focus more on the mundane happenings of a person's life - even a super stealth agent with an evil twin, it would trascend the immature pseudointellectual rabble that enjoys it and enter into the realm of adulthood.
Am I being Ballsy, worthy of admiration because I stood up to teh MGS!!!1, or am I just being an immature, insecure idiot? The only difference is that I'm just making stuff up in order to prove a point ;)
So, just because you disagree with him, it makes him an immature idiot? Just because one is not swallowed up into the hype that is Halo, and simply voices their opinion (which they are entitled to) about it, it makes them a small person? Have you ever spoken out in a negative fashion against something that was popular, but you did not particularly like? Of course you have....as have we all. It is called voicing your opinion.
Just because the guy does not like Halo, and is trying to challenge it, it does not make him a "small person", or an "immature idiot." :lol: It in fact makes him aggressively competitive in an industry that thrives on being competitive. Sorry if it hurt your feelings because your in love with Halo so much, lol. By the way, your judging him is no better than him judging "tEh MighTy HalO", as it is just a negative OPINION just as his is. You just happen to disagree is all. Are you a "small person" or an "idiot" because of it?
no what this guy was saying is that the free radical guy words held no merits. He bashed Halo's story to not be the kind of direct satire Haze is. Yet many know that the Halo story has a lot of depth and its own mature themes, just not as direct as Haze will be. He can talk about next gen all he wants being more mature. But quality is quality. Halo is right now THE Quality console FPS. Also in no way is The Halo storyline anybit childish. Lets just put it this way, Halo is in no way chasing Haze, its Hazw chasing Halo.
And you can talk of all the hate Halo is getting from the beta, it isnt from Halo players, its from blind fanboys. Most people know that Bungie also left out some things in the beta in terms of weapons and vehicles. Most people know that certain things might and probably will change with the final build if enough people complain about a certain gameplay topic. Halo 3 beta is a lot of fun, people are on it and generally enjoy it. Halo 3 when it finally comes out will deliver in all areas in terms of Gameplay , a great single player campaing, and a great multiplayer. Haze while it also looks good, is still the contender not the champ.Believe me, I realize that Haze will not match Halo in popularity, nor sales, even though I hope it ends up being a better game. I do not hate Halo, man, I just think that it's hype has outgrown what it actually is in reality, and people over hype the hell out of it. I still think it is a great game, and even plan to pick it up for myself, as I have a 360, as well.
I just respected the fact that this guy stood up beyond all of the hype as a competitor, and spoke his mind, and tried to compare his product against one of the biggest games to be released this gen. Just because you do not subscribe to the belief that Halo is the "champ" amongst FPS, it in no way makes you wrong, or a "small minded , insecure idiot", lol. It merely makes you an individual with an opinion who is NOT AFRAID to voice it.
You guys bashing this guy because he is speaking negative about Halo, is no different than him speaking negative against Halo, as it is just an expression of opinon. The only difference is that he is doing it as a competitor within the industry, and if he thinks that he can take on the monster that is Halo with HAZE, who is to stop him? Props to the man for giving it a shot, I say. Only FANBOYS will take offense to him talking negative about their beloved game, and in turn bash him because of it, lol. Â
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