[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="Paddy345"][QUOTE="tango90101"] indie studios and adult movie studios are both embracing hd dvd.. it's simply a better business model....
money will always trump name branding, as proven by the poor ps3 sales...
it's still early... hd dvd is shaping up to be the next leader due to better biz..
bluray? has "sony" and "playstation" name associated with it and a HUGE price tag associated with all things bluray..
not looking good for longterm bluray goals...
oh well I/B/T/L
:lol: Where did you get that BS, porn is embracing blu ray last i heard, longer movies with better sound and incase you haven't noticed nearly 1 million ps3's were sold here in 2 weeks and the biggest movie industries are supporting blu ray, just cause a few small industries support hd dvd dosen't mean it's popular. If you wanna see how well hd dvd is doing here compared to blu ray look at sales and industry support and you will see blu ray is a clear winner
great...another noob..
bluray is not working with porn. do a google about sony not allowing adult movies on bluray....
in fact, Vivid Video is only making HD DVD movies... and they're the #1 distributor...
Maybe you should google more and get your fact straight. because right now its sounds like Vivid is going to support both HD DVD and Blu Ray. yes.. bluray SOUNDS like it has a lot of support.. but alas... there is not ONE vivid movie in bluray...;)
pwned? yup...;)
it's funny becuase vivid also said it costs 3 TIMES more to author on bluray than hd dvd...
do you really think movie stuidos will ignore this factoid? think again...;)
lmao you just self owned your self. maybe you should of read the link you just posted before trying to claim ownage. but once again you just self owned your self. but if you would of read it, you would of read this
" Porn companies have a problem with Blu Ray after its backer Sony Corp. moved to block production of porn format. Blu Ray ignoring the adult industry is heavy influenced by The Walt Disney CO. according to Steven Hirsch, founder of Vivid Entertainment Group. Vivid did find a REPLICATOR willing to produce BLU RAY porn however, and its belived the company will release DEBBIE DOES DALLS AGAIN ON THE FORMAT IN APRIL"
[QUOTE="alfy13"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="squallff8_fan"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="Paddy345"][QUOTE="tango90101"] indie studios and adult movie studios are both embracing hd dvd.. it's simply a better business model....
money will always trump name branding, as proven by the poor ps3 sales...
it's still early... hd dvd is shaping up to be the next leader due to better biz..
bluray? has "sony" and "playstation" name associated with it and a HUGE price tag associated with all things bluray..
not looking good for longterm bluray goals...
oh well I/B/T/L
:lol: Where did you get that BS, porn is embracing blu ray last i heard, longer movies with better sound and incase you haven't noticed nearly 1 million ps3's were sold here in 2 weeks and the biggest movie industries are supporting blu ray, just cause a few small industries support hd dvd dosen't mean it's popular. If you wanna see how well hd dvd is doing here compared to blu ray look at sales and industry support and you will see blu ray is a clear winner
great...another noob..
bluray is not working with porn. do a google about sony not allowing adult movies on bluray....
in fact, Vivid Video is only making HD DVD movies... and they're the #1 distributor...
So u are telling me that even with hd-dvd sales in europe doing well, that it comes close to the 4 million bluray's sold already out there, since the ps3 counts as a bluray player aswell, I dont see how hd-dvd can hang?
4 million? riiiight..:roll:
hd dvd can "hang" becuase of better costs, increased profits, and lower overhead than bluray...
also because the war is still very, very early.... as proven by the lack of interest in either.Â
people only have bluray players because of their ps3... not a valid point of argument FOR bluray as there is no way of knowing who, if any, is using their players vs who is using their ps3 for gaming...
you can live in your fanboy world all you want. but you can deny that ever since ps3 hit the market here in the US. Blu ray has been outseling Hd DVD 2:1, when before PS3 hit the market HD DVD was pwning the crap out of BLu ray. but now its the ohter way around. if you cant see why Blu ray is out seling HD DVD now here in the US, then i guess umm maybe go buy some common sense pills, dont know what else i can advise you to do.i agree. the ps3 has helped move bluray movies... but to claim victory in a format that does NOT get dictated by a game machine is insane, but not suprised you cows do it...
here's the prob:
1. the money made on movied sales do not help sony's gaming divisions.
2. by using ps3 as movie players also, they are utilizing the drives twice as hard and long as other consoles. No drive lasts forever and neither will these... the prob is; it costs $600 to replace.... NOT teh $199 of the ps2...
3. indie studios and porn have the best handle on overhead.. and they back hd dvd.... that should tell you something about the longterm chances, but not suprised it doesn't...
strange but yet we seen 360 lord of the 3 rings problems. and they are just used for gaming. but once again your logic has failed you twice. first one was when you tried to pwn me wiht your link about vivid not supporting Blu ray, but that same very link showed other wisse. and oh cant forget yesterday when you tried to tell me that MS was the Dev of gears of war and not epic. and yet vivid STILL has NOT produced ANY bluray movies...
proving that "support" isn't what the cows think it is...;)
i think you confused me for someone else.. i don't remember the epic/ms conversations...
hmm maybe you should read the post before this one. because once again i think you must of skipped that post for a reason. maybe its because you dont want to accept that you self owned your self?
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