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Until I learn how to play well? Oh, on that 5 minute demo, I played well. I played well enough to almost never get hit and counter almost every attack using the simple, over-cinematic system.
The system is not deep at all. I don't wan't to explain, but when I played the demo, it did not feel like an action game.
The AI wasn't impressive at all. I could stand still and let the enemies attack (which was about every 10 seconds, and one at a time) and either block it by not pressing any buttons, or counter it easily because their attack motions take about 3 seconds accompanied by a scream (they also glow, which I can understand, but it is still so obvious).
Basically, you press a button on an enemy when they attack, and it shows a combo in cinematic mode. While you watch the over-dramatic cinema-sequence, you are completely invulnerable. Do it again, and then do it again, and then you fill up your super meter; thats when the fun begins. With your super meter, you can approach one enemy press one button, and all of the enemies die. You don't even have to do combos.
the countering system only goes into a cinematic if you push triangle at a certain time. most of the time, you will stun them, setting yourself to do combos (expecially the juggle). if you do combos without stunning enemies, all of your attacks will either get blocked, or get interrupted by another enemies attack.
yes, nariko blocks the first few attacks automatically... but she can't do that forever. also, the "red attacks" will end up stunning her. there's nothing wrong with that... it's just a different system.
your super meter (or 3 dots, or whatever) don't really charge up that fast...
plus this is the first TWO SEGMENTS of the first level. do you honestly expect a HUGE challenge? :| you can button mash through the first level of DMC3 and NG with no problem.
the demo ends when stronger enemies come at you... but you already seem to be passing judegment on the game.
[QUOTE="X_CAPCOM_X"]Until I learn how to play well? Oh, on that 5 minute demo, I played well. I played well enough to almost never get hit and counter almost every attack using the simple, over-cinematic system.
The system is not deep at all. I don't wan't to explain, but when I played the demo, it did not feel like an action game.
The AI wasn't impressive at all. I could stand still and let the enemies attack (which was about every 10 seconds, and one at a time) and either block it by not pressing any buttons, or counter it easily because their attack motions take about 3 seconds accompanied by a scream (they also glow, which I can understand, but it is still so obvious).
Basically, you press a button on an enemy when they attack, and it shows a combo in cinematic mode. While you watch the over-dramatic cinema-sequence, you are completely invulnerable. Do it again, and then do it again, and then you fill up your super meter; thats when the fun begins. With your super meter, you can approach one enemy press one button, and all of the enemies die. You don't even have to do combos.
the countering system only goes into a cinematic if you push triangle at a certain time. most of the time, you will stun them, setting yourself to do combos (expecially the juggle). if you do combos without stunning enemies, all of your attacks will either get blocked, or get interrupted by another enemies attack.
yes, nariko blocks the first few attacks automatically... but she can't do that forever. also, the "red attacks" will end up stunning her. there's nothing wrong with that... it's just a different system.
your super meter (or 3 dots, or whatever) don't really charge up that fast...
plus this is the first TWO SEGMENTS of the first level. do you honestly expect a HUGE challenge? :| you can button mash through the first level of DMC3 and NG with no problem.
the demo ends when stronger enemies come at you... but you already seem to be passing judegment on the game.
don't forget that judgement can be both positive and negative.
you yourself are judging that the game is going to be good even though you've only played it for the same amount of time as he has.
[QUOTE="Big_T-Mac"]easy aaa, maybe 9.5 (but unlikely here, tho maybe it should).
definitely ps3 goty tho, thats for sure.
No... HS will not be game-of-the-year quality. I can guarantee.
It already looks GOTY quality:|
Wow, this thread may turn into the biggest "ownage" thread ever, either way. If it fails, the Cows get owned, and if it does get AAA+ the lems and sheep are owned.
Stay tuned...
I'll just throw my vote in as a "no way inhell will this game get AAA."
I really thought it was nothing special and the word "generic" kept popping into my head the more I played. It's quite obvious where the inspiration comes from (GoW), however it's going to take a long way to even be comparable.
Early it may be, but I'm now skeptical moreso than I was at it's initial showing. Can you guys honestly say that you are more impressed after having played the demo than seeing the first movies? I sure can't. I really hope it pans out to be great, as it's a game I was really looking forward to until I played the demo, much like Blue Dragon for the 360.
Now, I'm eyeing it with suspicion. I'm in the minority in here, but I really feel disappointed.
From what I've read, HS is nothing more thana button masher.bluebrad1974
Just like Ninja Gaiden and God of War :roll: ..Heavenly Sword have lots of combos that can be unlocked you never played the demo so why open your mouth at all??
the countering system only goes into a cinematic if you push triangle at a certain time. most of the time, you will stun them, setting yourself to do combos (expecially the juggle). if you do combos without stunning enemies, all of your attacks will either get blocked, or get interrupted by another enemies attack.
yes, nariko blocks the first few attacks automatically... but she can't do that forever. also, the "red attacks" will end up stunning her. there's nothing wrong with that... it's just a different system.
your super meter (or 3 dots, or whatever) don't really charge up that fast...
plus this is the first TWO SEGMENTS of the first level. do you honestly expect a HUGE challenge? :| you can button mash through the first level of DMC3 and NG with no problem.
the demo ends when stronger enemies come at you... but you already seem to be passing judegment on the game.
About the counter system, yes, it does only display cinematics if you counter accurately, and that was no problem for me (royal guard). The defense system is still too easy, because it gives the player too much time, and if you do mess up, you can end up blocking without a penalty.
The super attack filled up quickly (3 times in the demo) for me because I used counters, and counters are what fill it up. I could see most players saving up their super dots and killing bosses in one hit, but hopefully it won't be that way...
I just can't see this game being as much of a challlenge and keeping me engaged. Yes, the visuals and the gameplay look amazing, and the way the battlefield was presented to the player was far past DMC and NG, but you don't have to do much to look good in the game.
It could be the demo that turned me off, but at least the NG:S demo came with hard mode, and it was more challenging overall. Ninja Theory could have given us gamers a better chance to get the feel rather than just going through a breeze of a short clip of gameplay.
Wow, this thread may turn into the biggest "ownage" thread ever, either way. If it fails, the Cows get owned, and if it does get AAA+ the lems and sheep are owned.
Stay tuned...
I'll just throw my vote in as a "no way inhell will this game get AAA."
Thats how it always go down here in system war.Fanboys always tryin to own eachother with scores.Its only one person opinons too..Heavenly Sword will at least get a 9!! All the videos i watched so far and so many reviews of the demo is really postive and that shows that the game can be really really great..
[QUOTE="Finale-"][QUOTE="bluebrad1974"]From what I've read, HS is nothing more thana button masher.bluebrad1974
bluebrad you have to stop self-owning yourself
"But the real question people have been pondering is how the game controls, since virtually everyone is in agreement that the game looks beautiful (Nariko's face is quite literally a work of art). We are happy to say that Heavenly Sword is not a button masher in any sense of the word, since your opponents block vigorously and often gang up on your solitary heroine. In fact, the game feels rather unique to me, since switching between Nariko's three stances (speed, ranged and power) and taking advantage of aerial combos and Super****moves requires a lot of concentration and planning. Although the gameplay may be somewhat reminiscent of God of War, Heavenly Sword feels like an original title."
it'll be AAA, guaranteed? just like Lair, right?Onetouchable
No one has said lair was going to be AAA, I mean me myself cannot judge lair because its a different type game that I have never played so its kind of hard to judge a game if u never expirienced a type of game, all we can do is hope there is a demo or some what so we can see how to even hype it because from just looking at the game, all I can say right now is it looks to be a beautiful looking game, with tons of amazing things going on all at once in a large scale battlefield with tons of enemies on screen and the story seems like to be one heck of an epic story to go along with the amazing orchestra, only thing now, that us ps3 owners need to know is how does it play. I still am gonna buy this game but it would be nice to have a demo. As of now though the hype is AA for lair, but I think it has the potential to be AAA.
[QUOTE="squallff8_fan"]Heavenly Sword will be an AAA title. The game is just awesome and the gameplay and graphics are amazing to go with the epic story and great acting that was put into the game. She is the goddess of war. :)EPaul
Agreed and nice avataar
Thanx man, Aizen is also an awesome dude. Bleach all the way man. :)
From what I've read, HS is nothing more thana button masher.bluebrad1974
Hooked on Phonics didn't work for you, huh?
Ifind the box-art arounsing. It score extra points for that8)Rhys555
If only the actual character in the game looked that good!
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