Am I the only person who thinks Heavenly Sword is shaping up to be another Killzone, and by that I mean a huge flop? Just look at the similarities:
1) Both have been hyped as huge AAA titles.
2) Both titles looked extremely promising.
3) Both are published by SCEA and are (obviously) PS exclusives.
4) Both are developed by completely unproven developers. Killzone was developed by Guerrilla, which at the time had developed the impressively bad Shellshock: Nam 67. Heavenly Sword is developed by Ninja Theory, who used to go by Just Add Monsters, who's sole game is the completely unimpressive Kung Fu Chaos.
5) Also note that not only were both developers previous games bad, but they were in directly related genres tothe genretheir hyped game was in. Shellshock being a TPS where Killzone was an FPS, and Kung Fu Chaos being a 3D fighter and Heavenly Sword being a beat-'em-up.
So in conclusion for those who don't like to read even nicely organized lists, both games are scarily similar. Your thoughts?
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