Oh yes. I did say that. The game that came before Heavy Rain, thats the one you could call an interactive movie. "But but but the developer said!!!", you say. Well, developers say a lot of things (like how GT5 was ready to be released at any time, right?). Moving on though, let's establish some comparisons.
Indigo Prophecy:
-Consistent Storyline
-Player actions do not cause new scenes to happen
-There are three or so endings, all of them require you to go to the same place
Heavy Rain
-Storyline woven by player
-Player actions can decide whether or not a scene will happen
-There are many endings, and they can occur in multiple places
Sounds like Indigo Prophecy is more like a movie, giving the player little input into the actual outcome of the movie, but rather letting the player just play it out. Whereas Heavy Rain allows the player to decide how the story plays out, how it ends, the total outcome. That not enough? Let's look at Indigo Prophecy's "game over" screen:
Stop? Rewind? Those sound like commands you give to a... movie. Is this implying Indigo Prophecy is trying to be a movie? That can't be! But wait there's more.
In the "tutorial" for Indigo Prophecy you are on a movie set, there's even a director's chair. Wait a minute, just what are they trying to say? Its a movie? But this isn't Heavy Rain, thats impossible!
But there it is in your face. Indigo Prophecy does everything to convince you its a movie. Heavy Rain does not. What's the response to this, System Wars? Agree or Disagree?
Disclaimer: I do not think of either of these games as interactive movies. They simply aren't. This is more to show the silliness of the "interactive movie" claims and what not. So have at it.
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