A lot are confused about why Heavy Rain is becoming so polular here on SW. A lot believe that it's nothing more than just an interactive movie. Well it's more than that.
This game is not just button queues. You do have control of your character during most of the story. You have the option to progress the story or explore your surroundings some more.
Replay Value
You play as several characters in the game. Should one die it's game over for that character. There are no do overs and the story continues without that character. The game can ends in so many different was that, depending on your curiosity, will make you play again. Perhaps all of you characters lived and you were happy with the ending, what would happed if one of the key characters died?
We've all seen the game. There really no need to go into it.
This game is going to be very story driven. For those enjoy deep plots and great character development in their games it should be a treat.
Heavy Rain's approach is a nice break from a constant stream of shooters and fighting games.
I don't see how people can dismiss this game so easily. Unless you're into fast paced explosive games exclusively, I think people should give it a try when it's released.
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