I apologize if this was posted somewhere else.
I would LOVE to get all three of these games but I only have the cash for one at the moment.
All three look like bombshell open world games. I just want to ask someone who owns, or has played all three to pick a winner and to give a relatively detailed description why. I know InFamous got the best review of the three but I'm still split especially after playing the Red Faction: Guerrilla demo, the InFamous demo, and seeing some pretty hardcore Prototype footage.
Please Help!!! :?
I actually own all three of these games...I guess it comes down to what your are looking for...
CRITICALLY, InFAMOUS is the best of those games, and it is probably the longest, however, I have yet to beat it a second time on the EVIL setting.
The Best RATED game is INFAMOUS, even though it's older than the other two, watch in the next few weeks to see what's still standing, but I can tell you it looks like InFAMOUS would be the one.
That being said, ALL THREE are good, fine games, so you can't go wrong. Also, Red Faction sports MP, which is a good thing, if you don't have a MP game on the side already (I do, COD, L4D, Warhawk, and GeoW2)...but if you have time for some more MP, Red Faction does offer that.
Are critical acclaim and Rating not the same thing? And no way is inFAMOUS longer then the other too. It has much less things to do then Prototype, and although i don't have Red Faction, the MAP on that game looks huge, as fo the sheer amount of missions, and the fact it has multiplayer
Yes, they are, but I was being redundant, as some people don't read well on these boards. You did quite well though.
As far as MP, you are absolutely right, RF does have that, and although I dabbled, I haven't fully gone into it. As far as InFamous Length, I am a completionist, so it's quite long for me, especially with the TWO Different stories, powers, and different ending requiring two playthroughs...not to mention every sidequest being done. It's the only way to get a PLATINUM in the game.
Since Proto and RFG just came out, I have yet to fully invest as much time, but that's the only because InFAMOUS got released early. Like I said though, All Three are good, fine games, so have at it.
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