I am currently faced with the same dilemma
This is my own list of games which I'm interested in buying *though I won't have the money to do so, at least, not all of them*~
360: Mass Effect 1-2, Halo3, GoW1-2, Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie, Too Human, SE's future RPGs, Xbox Live > PS3's net layout. Netflix. Love the gamepad.
PS3: Little Big Planet, Uncharted, GT5, Wipeout HD, Fat Princess (PSN), Infamous, MGS4, Resistance 2, Ratchet & Clank, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Motorstorm 2, Fracture, GoW3, PSN games > XBLA games. Sheer potential (the cell)? Hate the gamepad.
MultiP: Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, Bioshock 1-2, GTA IV, Prince of Persia, Soul Cailber IV, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Skate1-2, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy XIII, Afro Samurai, SF4, UT3, SF:TFU~
I know that no matter which console I choose to pick in the end, I won't get bored out of my mind like I currently am with the Wii. It seems like the PS3 has more exclusives I am interested in. It also does have more features out-of-the-box (BR, wifi, etc) and online is free. The 360 elite costs as much as the PS3, which is a blatant rip off imo, and HDs are ridiculously overpriced too (200$ for a 120gb HD? D:). But the online communities on the 360 are way larger and lively and that alone seems to offset pretty much everything else~ I don't even know what to do anymore lol.
Did I miss any games worth looking into? (don't mention Spore) or is there anything else that could help me make a decision?
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