You are aware you currently represent this faction here as well right, Akbar what do you look for in a game story or how many times you can press Square.What I like in a game story is:
Something that explains the characters that you go around with stories well. Something that can make me care about the characters.
And some mystery in the overall plot to keep me engaged to try and figure out what is going on.
Good writing and dialogue. It doesn't matter if it is text or voice acting. Older games like Planescape: Torment don't have very much voice acting at all.
on planescape torment though....i usually equate that to a good book rather than a good movie (if i was to be asked what industry it kinda resembles). fantastic game.
i dont like the idea of games becoming like movies. i think its a bad idea because, fundimentally, games are nothing like movies.
i very much subscribe to the HL/metroid prime school of telling stories in games. tell the story though the action...keep the extra stuff optional for people who are interested and dont, for the love of god, let the story dictate the gameplay or its structure. the player should be doing something as much as possible...not just watching a cutscene or a long dialogue sequence. games like mass effect are fine. even something like FF7 is fine (1 hour of FMV in a 35 hour game is nothing...and the FMVs themselves tent to be only a few second long..except for the start and end). mass efect is fine generally (a couple of lengthy yarns..nothign serious). zelda is fine. shadow of the collossus is another fine example of great story telling in games (long intro sequence but once you get started its all good). this method does not excuse poor writing or any of that..but its a story telling method that suits games alot more.
something like the MGS series is a fine example of how it should not be done imho. DMC4 i think can be hauled in as well...theres some sequences where dante does some really cool stuff....but the player is just watching it instead of doing it. pointless.
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