Yes and it was awesome then and it's awesome now! But Spartans are sooo much more than that. Their armors, the intricate technology used to make them and alien technology used for the gel layer shield generators. Nothing like it! It makes for the best gameplay that combines standard military combat with superhuman abilities.
The shields give you enough time to recover from enemy fire. No one shot kills like Call of Duty. The other abilities increase your jumping and melee. And now with H5, we have thrusters for dashing abilities as well as the ability to break down walls! You're much stronger than the human soldier games but not invincible. It's just that with this, you stand a much better chance in a firefight. The shields still don't save you from explosions next to you, a shotgun blast is strong enough to kill you almost instantly and you can still be sniped. So you still need to cover behind walls. It's THE perfect fps gameplay balance!
yeah that sounds like it beats out great story telling to me.
lol...i joke of course
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