If it has the same production value as Halo: Forward Unto Dawn, then this could turn out to be really awesome.
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the most high rated games and the spread sheet came hand and hand in the same argument, it was lemmings way to counter act the fact that PS3 beat it in AAA exclusives. The argment was no where to be found before that point beause from nov 2006 - may 2008 PS3 had no AAA+ games so lemmings came up with the "PS3 has no games" argument which dised any games that wasn't an exclusive AAA.
Yeah. try again with your BS.
You need to understand what "proof" is.
You need to show the actual posts which ratify your statements.
the most high rated games and the spread sheet came hand and hand in the same argument, it was lemmings way to counter act the fact that PS3 beat it in AAA exclusives. The argment was no where to be found before that point beause from nov 2006 - may 2008 PS3 had no AAA+ games so lemmings came up with the "PS3 has no games" argument which dised any games that wasn't an exclusive AAA.
Yeah. try again with your BS.
You need to understand what "proof" is.
You need to show the actual posts which ratify your statements.
you can check for yourself since it is well known most old members remember and you were following the same switch up game, it's just you trying to play dumb since you want to play by different rules now.
again what happend to more high scoring game argument lem?
you can check for yourself since it is well known most old members remember and you were following the same switch up game, it's just you trying to play dumb since you want to play be different rules now.
So, nothing? Glorious. Idiot.
you can check for yourself since it is well known most old members remember and you were following the same switch up game, it's just you trying to play dumb since you want to play be different rules now.
So, nothing? Glorious. Idiot.
That you are. Glad we came to the same conclusion...you can't even answer a simple question. Shouldn't expect any more for a moronbot
you can check for yourself since it is well known most old members remember and you were following the same switch up game, it's just you trying to play dumb since you want to play be different rules now.
So, nothing? Glorious. Idiot.
That you are. Glad we came to the same conclusion...you can't even answer a simple question. Shouldn't expect any more for a moronbot
What a glorious Red Herring. You jneed to try harder.
You can't prove your assertion, thus you are a bit of a dimwit.
you can check for yourself since it is well known most old members remember and you were following the same switch up game, it's just you trying to play dumb since you want to play be different rules now.
So, nothing? Glorious. Idiot.
That you are. Glad we came to the same conclusion...you can't even answer a simple question. Shouldn't expect any more for a moronbot
What a glorious Red Herring. You jneed to try harder.
You can't prove your assertion, thus you are a bit of a dimwit.
lol, what you said doesn't even make sense. You really are stupid. The proof of my point is fact. All the events happend in order in which I outlined. It's not something to prove like a theory or something ididot. It is hisotry. I even named names. You simply said, "it was da hermits" with absolutly no proof to back up that claim.
Typical lying jackass, you do the lemmings proud. Keep fighting the good delusional fight...
BTW, What happend to the most high scoring games argument lem?
lol, what you said doesn't even make sense. You really are stupid. The proof of my point is fact. All the events happend in order in which I outlined. It's not something to prove like a theory or something ididot. It is hisotry. I even named names. You simply said, "it was da hermits" with absolutly no proof to back up that claim.
Typical lying jackass, you do the lemmings proud. Keep fighting the good delusional fight...
BTW, What happend to the most high scoring games argument lem?
I can't even get over the idiocy of your post. Seriously?
Provide proof, or move on.
lol, what you said doesn't even make sense. You really are stupid. The proof of my point is fact. All the events happend in order in which I outlined. It's not something to prove like a theory or something ididot. It is hisotry. I even named names. You simply said, "it was da hermits" with absolutly no proof to back up that claim.
Typical lying jackass, you do the lemmings proud. Keep fighting the good delusional fight...
BTW, What happend to the most high scoring games argument lem?
I can't even get over the idiocy of your post. Seriously?
Provide proof, or move on.
Back at you asshat, provide proof that hermits made the most high scoring games argument. I already provided proof by telling you the source and backer of that argument. You have provided NOTHING but deflection and I suspect that is all you will ever have since there is no other source you can pull to contradict what I told you.
The spread sheet exists,FACT
CaseyWegner was the backer and enforcer to be used as SW law.FACT
No games argument made up by lemmings to bash PS3 for having no AAA exclusives (since oblivion was AAA but multiplat),FACT
After the MGS4 review lems regrouped with the most high scoring games argument for the entirety of the generation abandoning the AAA, AA high qulaity standard and dropped it to include A rated non exclusive games FACT.
New gen, xbone gets 1 AAA game lems abandon the "most high scoring games" argument all together and go back to lol only AAA exclusvies mean anything...PS4 has no games.
You are the proof of everything I am saying with your mental gymnastics and typical lemming flip flopping behavior. Done with you.
lol, what you said doesn't even make sense. You really are stupid. The proof of my point is fact. All the events happend in order in which I outlined. It's not something to prove like a theory or something ididot. It is hisotry. I even named names. You simply said, "it was da hermits" with absolutly no proof to back up that claim.
Typical lying jackass, you do the lemmings proud. Keep fighting the good delusional fight...
BTW, What happend to the most high scoring games argument lem?
I can't even get over the idiocy of your post. Seriously?
Provide proof, or move on.
Back at you asshat, provide proof that hermits made the most high scoring games argument. I already provided proof by telling you the source and backer of that argument. You have provided NOTHING but deflection and I suspect that is all you will ever have since there is no other source you can pull to contradict what I told you.
The spread sheet exists,FACT
CaseyWegner was the backer and enforcer to be used as SW law.FACT
No games argument made up by lemmings to bash PS3 for having no AAA exclusives (since oblivion was AAA but multiplat),FACT
After the MGS4 review lems regrouped with the most high scoring games argument for the entirety of the generation abandoning the AAA, AA high qulaity standard and dropped it to include A rated non exclusive games FACT.
New gen, xbone gets 1 AAA game lems abandon the "most high scoring games" argument all together and go back to lol only AAA exclusvies mean anything...PS4 has no games.
You are the proof of everything I am saying with your mental gymnastics and typical lemming flip flopping behavior. Done with you.
I think the guy is just messing with you now,...best ignore someone that just wants to start something.
Back at you asshat, provide proof that hermits made the most high scoring games argument. I already provided proof by telling you the source and backer of that argument. You have provided NOTHING but deflection and I suspect that is all you will ever have since there is no other source you can pull to contradict what I told you.
The spread sheet exists,FACT
CaseyWegner was the backer and enforcer to be used as SW law.FACT
No games argument made up by lemmings to bash PS3 for having no AAA exclusives (since oblivion was AAA but multiplat),FACT
After the MGS4 review lems regrouped with the most high scoring games argument for the entirety of the generation abandoning the AAA, AA high qulaity standard and dropped it to include A rated non exclusive games FACT.
New gen, xbone gets 1 AAA game lems abandon the "most high scoring games" argument all together and go back to lol only AAA exclusvies mean anything...PS4 has no games.
You are the proof of everything I am saying with your mental gymnastics and typical lemming flip flopping behavior. Done with you.
Stop spreading your lunacy. You don't understand what proof is, as your IQ has yet to go above double digits.
Still, I feel like I know you... You're an alt, that much is obvious. You also have a love for Casey... I can't quite place it.
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