[QUOTE="No_worrys_mate"][QUOTE="Magical_Zebra"][QUOTE="No_worrys_mate"][QUOTE="Nin360"] See thats what is the matter with most of you fanboys. You have the logic "if you dont' buy it you can't afford it" thats bs. I probably could buy you off if I wanted too. I dont want to spend that money on a console that offers me little or even less then my 360 does.
BTW the sales figures are heavily in my favor. Thank you.
So basicaly your saying that a millionare will take a Ps3 price into consideration before he or she buys it?, Nuff Said.
No, they will take into considertaion that after 8 months that anti christ of a console still has no damn games. :shock:
Do i have to repeat whati said before, The Ps3 has plenty of games if you dont consider the 360 which alot of people wont and thats why i seethe 360 fighting to increase its console salesnow and in the future, But hopefuly with all these games that are coming out for it people will turn to it because i know its my best console atm, The Ps3 has at least 5 games that are worth while buyng if you just wanted one console and you were willing to pay that high price which isnt much considering i have to pay $850us for my Ps3 here in Australia.
Games worth buying for Ps3.
Rfom, Motorstorm, Oblivion, Fnr3, Mbl 07, Nhl and Nba 2k7, Vt3, Tiger Woods 07,Mua, Cod3, Vf5, Tekken Dr, Calling all cars, Def Jam, Nfs Carbon,Sc Da, Ridge racer 7, Nba street, Madden 07 and a whole lot more and dont forget you can play all the Ps2 games which makes the Wiilook Pathetic.
You want us to believe you own all 3 consoles?! And half the games you mentioned were sports/racers/shooters... I'd bring up my list but you'll call it crap and it'd be the 584th I've done it.
I own all three consoles what can i say as well as both handhelds, My setup with games cost me about $8000aud which 84c to1usd, I not bashing but to me if i was going to buy a Ps3or a Wii if the 360 wasnt an option it would be a Ps3, The only games that intereset me for the Wii is Zelda and thats it, Ive got Zelda, Wii Sports and Play, I got Mario strikers but i retured it for Forza 2 because i didnt think it was woth the $60usd i payed for it, I want Spm and Tc but you know what that not even been released for Pal regions and as for Wario its a high a nothing more and id rather not play mini games with other people so the 2 hr campain rules it out for me, I own 1 Ps3 game btw and 22 360 games, So basicaly i will bash the Wii because of this but with the Ps3 id personaly be happy with Oblvion, Rfom, Cod3, Vf5, Nfs Carbon and Sc Da and maybe a sports game rather than Zelda and two games i want but actually cant get and btw itwill cost me $60 for Mario Strikers which is a lowered price Wii game or $84usd for a normal Wii game or i can get a Ps3 and get any game because its region free for $50usd, What would you rather do if their wasnt a 360 and wanted a next gen console in my suituation, The $30 cheaper games would probalyoffset the diffrence because i buy alot of games.
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