[QUOTE="Nin360"] 1. Price. Just insane. I have the money but dont want to spend $600 for any console. Hell my pc cost me less and does everything I want it to do. I was reluctant to pay $400 for my 360 but $600 is way too damn much. I don't want the stinkin blu-ray player and I still have plenty of room on my small 360 hardrive. I don't want to see this trend continue in the console buisness so here's #1 reason.
- The next gen consoles are said to be cheaper, Dont buy one until it drops in price, Its not Sonys fault that you cant afford it (You can buy it but obviously you cant afford it.)
2. Arrogance: From their top Executives like Crazy Ken all the way down to their snobby fanboys. I hate everything about the playstation brand. Sony is often caught lying and using bs tatics to promote thier trashy products. How many Project Gothem screens did they use to promote thier games? How many emty promises have they deliverd on the ps3? I hope consumers start judging products on the merit of the company.
You obviously in the minority, The Ps3 will pick up alot of sales when it gets games and becomes cheaper, I expect Sony to pull the big guns out and turn their Pr into a +, Crazy Kens gone and their trying to do a overhall of staff and things only can get better.
3. Games: What a lackluster library. Since launch it has maybe 2 games worth playing? Blah. The Wii maybe graphically inferior but has 5 times as many games worth playing. The only good games the fanboys can show are screenshots of future products that do not reflect any way in how the games will play. Pathetic.
If you dont consider the 360 then the Ps3 has plenty of games which dosent count on system wars but still you dont think 3+ million are playing just Motorstorm and Rfom, Imo the Wii is just Pathetic, Wario Ware is Pathetic and the only games id buy for it is Zelda, Spm, Re4- If i didnt already own the Gc game and maybe T. Centre, So basicaly the Wii has ports and Mini games.
I own all three nex gen systems btw and both handhelds.
Good for you, not all of us like to waste money though...
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