[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Slick_Rican"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Slick_Rican"] It's been a year now and still all first party exclusives are only on par withCrysis but not better. And remember I am talking about the actual ratings. I guess it is safe to say thatCrysis indeed realized the PC's potential and it's games wont improve anymore. Well a little sad but that's the way it is.
This doesn't make any sense... Its a brand new game its suppose to be the plateau of the cutting edge.. I guess by your logic Halo 3 must be the absolute potential of the Xbox360.. Lets not forget its just a FPS, there are numerous other great genres out there..
Hey, I don't see any better looking games than Halo, and that's MS flagship title. I think 360 has reached its potential too.
That is rediculous, Gears of War, bioshock and a few others look odviosully better.. Graphics do not have much to do witht eh actual game on top of that.. 360 hasn't reached its potential because you are not a time traveler.. As nicely as I can say is your mis informed.. This would be like me going back int time to the day Half-Life 1 was released and doing the exact same statement.. That it met its potential and will not go further... That is rediculous logic... Specially how do you measure potential??? Crysis may look graphically great but its also the newest thing.. What about other games out there that are being released? They may not be as good looking but they may have better mechanics..
Graphics have EVERYTHING to do with the actual game! In fact, a stunning graphical game with poor gameplay would be better than the best gameplay with garbage for graphics. Whoever disagrees with me is an utter fanboy.
Go back to playing Lair then troll.
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