My thoughts on close minded 360 fans.
1.) They don't mind paying for a service that gives them in return laggie games because of hosting P2P junk right? What gives? Sony is free and it has dedicated servers. Come on think OUTSIDE of the box.
2.) PSN is already coming up with more orignal stuff for downloads vs XBL arcade with old school games. LBP, Stardust, Socom, Warhawk (on disc too), Echo Crome. Come on and play your old Doom and Street fighter. Granted you get UT Mortal Kombat which is nice. But still you brag on this? You must not be thinking outside the box.
3.) The console I own shoves the cost of servers and such to the developers because gaming is free. But 360 fanboys proudly pay $50 bucks to help out developers. If I was a developers I'd laugh to the bank. Think of all the online games you play and divide the $50 bucks across the board of games. Say you bought 6 games in 2006 that you play online. $50/6 = 8.33. So really you didn't pay $59.99 you paid $68.32. Doesn't sound so smart does it? Maybe next time you will think outside of the box.
4.) 360 guys think their system is gold, yet it has a crash rate of what 1/10 system sold? Whats Sonys? 1/200,000 or better? Sometimes being cheap doesn't pay does it. SOME times you get what you pay for.
5.) All your games will eventually be on PC, or at least the good ones with in 1 to 3 years. Halo 3 Vista 2010 promise you. Bioshock is on PC the day it comes out. The system was a wash, on crap not worth porting to PC is worth the price of a 360 and its crap.
6.) Lems laugh at Cows, saying you were forced to purchase BluRay with your system. At least Sony has taken the steps to allow developers HD freedom of space. Thus not giving the PS3 a lower denominator of game builds like for the 360 games are adapted to take on a no hard drive system supporting a 9 gig disc. I'm proud of my purchase that is set for long term actually. GTA, could be a case of disc shortage, R* probably called MS and said we are running out of space. MS said nah just bill the gamer the etc content and say its new epa. Oh and keep them from the PS3 version since that will harm are image, here's 50 million bucks. MS made a bad thing look like a good thing.
6.1/2) Oh yea I have built in wireless internet too, WHich is what an $80 dollar add on? And my 1.3 HDMI cable input which is a 1.2 HDMI on the Elite were MS tried to step it up.
7.) Cleary Sony's first 7 months of 2007 have been lack luster. But thats for the preparing for an onslaught of games that consume the 360 in every way of the word. Personally, Elderscrolls, Tekken 5, Motorstorm, Resistance are all I play. Besides some rentals of course and I love each of these. But after Warhawk its pretty much over for 360 domination in games.
Isn't it like Warhawk, Lair, Heavenly Sword, UT3, Haze, Uncharted and a couple others right in a row? Say what ever you want about them at least they are original unlike all 360 offers is FPS, and now they are bashing RPG's to death with a couple coming so it will be a 90 FPS, 10% RPG. Bland, Besides UT3 and Haze all my games this year are 100% different for my taste. Halo 3 is nice but that is all their is, Masseffect while a solid looking game doesn't even support facial features in the level of Heavenly Sword, AND Heavenly sword is a button masher haa.
I could go on but I'm bored now. Any way Flame shield on and i'll be looking for Damage Control.
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