It sucks, especially though the way Bethesda treats us PS3 gamers. It's like they hate us sometimes, they should treat their consumers better. Sucks for PC gamers too, but at least they got mods so they are getting different experiences, the PS3 version is exactly the same as the 360 version just without the DLC.
But whatever I'm still having fun with the game. Still have plenty to do.
Thats what MS does since they don't have any exclusives of their own. They pad the pockets of other devs to give timed exclusivity on multiplats just to distract lems from the barren wasteland that is the 360's exclusive line up.
Well I do think the 360 has good games, I agree it's exlusive line up is weak, but just because you and I might not be the biggest Halo and Gears fans doesn't mean others will agree. For some people they might really like those games.
But I get the feeling that a lot of the lems on here arn't really excited about them, they just kinda "have" to be because it's all they have coming up as far as 1st party goes. I think instead of timed DLC they should offer more, who cares about 30 day DLC map packs? Woohoo... :roll:
Why not give the Gold members something of real value, like discounted DLC or something. Why not make it more like PS Plus and give out "free" games every month? It makes a lot more sense than timed DLC, it is definately a better value than that.
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