Quite frankly I'm getting a bit tired of this. The reason why he's been constantly frustrated at the industry is because he always seems to say that he can't make what he likes or wants, he even says that he's extremely jealous of developers like Goichi Suda because he finds that developers like him can do whatever the hell they want. Hell this sort of frustration shown by him has a direct result on his opinion of the medium as an art form. That said, I really do wonder...
I'm sure that Konami calls the strings and I'm sure, that like any person working in his field, he is restricted in some ways, but how accurate is this really? I mean, he is freaking Hideo Kojima, all he has to do is come up with an interesting sound video game concept, strap his name on the box, and they're good to go. This is actually starting to make me wonder if Kojima isn't just whinning his ass off. Got great ideas for the industry? Great, let's hear them. Konami doesn't want to produce or even touch them? I have a hard time imagining that, if they are in fact solid ideas for a video game. I mean, how restrictive can Konami really be when we're talking about their most important and significant developer.
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