He is also interested in SmartGlass, stating that using it and different devices to bring the hardcore gameplay to different kind of media is something he is really looking forward to.
Contarary to popular opinion he is all praise for the new Kinect and he may integrate it in Metal Gear Solid 5.
The Kinect itself brings a lot of different capabilities as well and I will like to see what I can do with the voice command, and the movement with the gestures and see what we can do with that, he said in an interview via Major Nelsons Xbox channel.
Read more at http://gamingbolt.com/hideo-kojima-praises-the-xbox-one-may-integrate-kinect-and-smartglass-in-mgs-5#avUMoujseuF4izXJ.99
Hope they do and it adds to the overall experience..
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