360 is doing lacklustre in Europe and in total hardware sold it's on just over4.5million while PS3 has just about reach 3million. Honestly the fact thatPS3 has sold 3/4 of total 360 sales in just about 8 months is amazing and proof that Playstation brand is far stronger in Europe compared to 360, even a year head start couldn't help 360 in Europe.The fact is Microsoft doesn't cater to anyone other then the American audience, every other major territory is shunning Microsoft because they(MS)are forcing them to like FPS with huge muscular men etc. Microsoft doesn't cater to them and that will be their undoing by the end of this Gen.I find it amazing that Microsoft is claiming that Europe will be keybattleground for 360 next year, arn't they aware that 360 is doing bad in Europe or are they just saying that to make European gamers feel that Microsoft hasn't forgotten them. No way will Microsoft succeed in Europe next year and I can honestly say that PS3 will 100% definitely over-take the 360 in total sales next year. Think about it, it took Microsoft 2 years to get to 4.5 million while it took PS3 less then a year to get 3/4 of what 360 has sold in 2 year. UK isa European country that 360 seems to be doing well in and even that isn't helping any more, despite 360's killers apps it was a PS3 exclusive that took the top spot in the UK. Uncharted went straight to No.1, so much for PS3 software sales are low. Next year when PS3 hits the 10 million mark expect alot of PS3 games in the charts.By the end of 08 the PS3 would have completely murdered 360 in Japan and outsold it in Europe thus only leaving America which you guys will grasp onto for dear life. The sales difference between PS3 & 360 in America would have decreased and it will be 09 when PS3 will definitely surpass the 360.p.s. I know you guys are gonna laugh at vgcharts but the sales are not that different in Europe, look at the total sales in vg charts for 360 and it's at over 15million whilst at NextGenWars it's at over 12million. You guys will go to any site that has the highest 360's sold but when the site has something negative about the 360 (e.g. European sales) then you bash it like a bunch of hypocrites !
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