[QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="Roushrsh"]Yay for accameron and his/her fanboy rants, cant wait till the PS3 gets its first AAAe here on gamespot so that you will have to leave gs for a day ^^ps3pluspc
I hope that the PS3 does get an AAAe one of these days. It obviously is not going to happen until mid 2008 at the least, though. It is criminal how Sony is ripping off its loyal customers- in the legal world, this is known as "conversion" of their money. Why don't you Cows ever realize this? Sony made a crap system, with crap games flopping all over the place, and you sit there saying "thank you sir, can I have another?" as the lashes rain down.
Wow. You are just a hopeless PS3 hater. PS3 DOES have AAA games... but when the guys reviewing the games are jealous Lemmings and Sheep then you get skewed ratings. Everyone in the "Real World" knows that Uncharted>>Ass Effect>>Halo 3
Sure Halo 3 got better ratings than Uncharted? But ask people in the "Real World" about Halo 3 and many, many 360 gamers will say its a let down and not all it was hyped up to be. So they move on to COD4. Same with Ass Effect. Ask people on all sides about Uncharted and they generally say it is a great game and technically amazing.
So who cares if reviewers hand out 9s and 10s to basically all hyped 360 games. Those numbers aren't reality. In the "Real World" I am having more fun on PS3 with Warhawk, COD4, Uncharted, Resistance, Motorstorm, Lair, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword then guys watching 4 hours of Ass Effect cutscenes or Wiiers waving their arms around in Cooking Mama. Who gives a **** if sites don't want to give PS3 AAA ratings on its games. We know the games are fun.
Well, SOMEBODY is in a bad mood here, arent they? I see nothing but sad excuses in your post. Face it, the PS3 has ZERO (0) AAA exclusives, over a year after launch.
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