"Buser explained that the average user session is 70 minutes, with 85% of users returning back to the service more than once, and has currently clocked over 14 million users worldwide"
70 mins with the dloading of stuff?? ive been on this and yeah if you get locked in a game of pool i can see why, there isnt a great deal else though seriously
85% of the user returning back - yeah after spending half the day dloading the areas, you damn well better . . .and its free
14 million users worldwide - compared to xboxlive and warcraft which do this WITHa subscription this isnt that great seeing that 21 million machines have been sold
Home is a massive flop. what exactly does it do, ive been one of the suckers included in those stats and my last visit was short lived with the super slow download and boredom. All the kids that have the ps3 will be on this and the 5 games they probably have all day and night eeking out their purchase, just like gold kid subscribers on xbox live have every single demo and community game. Home is flop fact.
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