[QUOTE="ThaGameDude"][QUOTE="FPSfan1985"] CS is based too much on the random recoil to be the best at anything. CS Source is a complete rehash, it's just a reskin of 1.6, made easier. I'm not seeing your point at all. IMO it's not even the best Value online shooter.FPSfan1985
thats my point, if it aint broke no need to fix it, value? its simple thats what i stated thats why its number one to me, and recoil? thats what makes it a challenge if you can master the recoil on an m16 on ak47 you would be great, i dont need scopes, perks, killstreaks, etc...
Then why not release a COD every year with little to no changes? Like you said if it aint broke dont fix it. The recoil makes it random, not challenging. Their is a huge difference.no need for a call of duty every dam year, if they wanted to they can just patch it up once in a while, counter strike has been rehashed one time what 8 years ago? and its still a great shooter and better in my opinion, if they kept changing and adding crap to counter strike i bet you it would become another call of duty, and call of duty change every freakin game in the worst way possible, look at mw3? the maps sucks, the spawning sucks, there is absolutley no recoil, you run get 2 or 3 kills then let you killstreak do the rest, counter strike you rely only on your shooting abilities,
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