Japanese imports are pretty expensive ...
I've found that Play-Asia is the Cheapest sadly.
$70 rather than $80 or $90
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Japanese imports are pretty expensive ...
I've found that Play-Asia is the Cheapest sadly.
$70 rather than $80 or $90
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]Xenoblade isn't out in Europe yet, so I doubt ebay would be worth checking....It doesn't come out til Sept.hm, Haven't checked Ebay Yet.
Then where can I Pre-Order?
Xenoblade isn't out in Europe yet, so I doubt ebay would be worth checking....It doesn't come out til Sept.[QUOTE="Luxen90"][QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]
hm, Haven't checked Ebay Yet.
Then where can I Pre-Order?
You can't at the moment(AFAIK), but once I know a site that has it available for pre ordering, I'll let you know, might make a thread about it or something I don't know.[QUOTE="Yangire"]
Just go on ebay and buy it, I bet some import shops like playasia will have it too.
Too bad the Wii is region lock through.
And they blocked Freeloader for Wii.[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="locopatho"]Can't believe Nintendo are still doing stuff like this in 2011. And of course region lock prevents importing. And OF COURSE they block freeloader things too. Why can't Nintendo just get with the times :cry: *imports Canadian PS3 games for nice and cheap* :Plocopatho35 million Wii's in NA, and it doesn't even get released there? It's first party, just advertise it well and I think it could sell well for a JRPG. It's already getting localised for English speakers here in Europe!!! Why not just release it? Makes no sense.
Makes sense if NOA is more interested in selling 3DSes (part of Nintendo's future) then Wiis (the past).
Another good reason why Japanese game developers shouldn't make exclusive games for nintendo
I don't think Monolith has a choice. :(
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]Import for Europe.Japanese imports are pretty expensive ...
Japanese is sort of my thing.
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="locopatho"]Can't believe Nintendo are still doing stuff like this in 2011. And of course region lock prevents importing. And OF COURSE they block freeloader things too. Why can't Nintendo just get with the times :cry: *imports Canadian PS3 games for nice and cheap* :Plocopatho35 million Wii's in NA, and it doesn't even get released there? It's first party, just advertise it well and I think it could sell well for a JRPG. It's already getting localised for English speakers here in Europe!!! Why not just release it? Makes no sense.
This same thing happened with Siren 2, except with Siren 2 the original bombed in reviews and sales so it was at least understandable. This doesn't make any sense.
Did we just go back in time to the NES era? Because this is the kind of thing that NOA did back in the NES era with games like Fire Emblem and Mother.
To be honest, I don't understand their logic on any of this. Fire Emblem is an established series in the US, but it looks more and more likely that FE12 will miss the trip over here. Now this just sad, since Fire Emblem is already established in the US and the audience is already here.
And the refusal to bring Xeonoblade and Last Story over here is just pathetic. NOA claims that they want the hardcore gamers back but they refuse to bring two high-quality RPGs to the west? In an era where quality console RPGs are rare?
What makes this even more baffling is the fact that NOA has gotten behind Dragon Quest and is publishing it in the US. So, they are going to the trouble of pushing a third-party's RPG franchise, but they can't be bothered to bring over two RPGs that are first party? What kind of logic is that? With Dragon Quest, the have to share the profits with Square Enix. With Xenoblade and Last Story they get all the profits.
After all these years, I thought that NOA finally figured out what gamers wanted. I thought Mother 3 was just a fluke that suffered from bad timing on a system that was on its last legs.
Now its becoming more and more clear that if a game is not a potential million seller, a title for casuals, or a special agreement(Dragon Quest) NOA won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
Its the NES era all over again. In fact, this may be worse then the NES era. At least the lack of RPGs that made it over here back then could be excused by the tastes of gamers in the NES era.
In this day and age, there is no damn excuse for games like this to not come over here.
Did we just go back in time to the NES era? Because this is the kind of thing that NOA did back in the NES era with games like Fire Emblem and Mother.
I got the same impression, but with SEGA and blocking Japanese RPGs for the Saturn. It really does feel like time travel.
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Well to be fair SMG2 better than any Sony exclusives to date.I guess wii owners in NA dont buy games unless their mario, dance or um guess thats about it :P
If you say so :)
Well to be fair SMG2 better than any Sony exclusives to date.[QUOTE="funsohng"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
I guess wii owners in NA dont buy games unless their mario, dance or um guess thats about it :P
If you say so :)
Eh,I don´t even like Mario and even I know he´s rigth. ;)[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Well to be fair SMG2 better than any Sony exclusives to date.I guess wii owners in NA dont buy games unless their mario, dance or um guess thats about it :P
Lolz just quickly checked Wiki (not a good source I know I know):
SMG2 = 6.36 mil
Gran Turismo 5 = 6.37 mil :P
Well to be fair SMG2 better than any Sony exclusives to date.[QUOTE="funsohng"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
I guess wii owners in NA dont buy games unless their mario, dance or um guess thats about it :P
If you say so :)
It's true. Deep down you know it.NOA isn't willing to Make Money.....I am Dissapoint.
So are there any PreLoading Discs that will allow me to Play this Game on a NTSC System? Cause I'm totally Importing it now.
How do you know they would actually make money :? . Sadly, its a business and really I don't even see a huge enough market in North America as well coupled with the released dates of other big titles this holiday. Maybe next year though. I'm really hoping. Its looks like a great title.
Yup, just like I did with Shenmue 2 on DC, so no biggie since the UK version is in English.NOA isn't willing to Make Money.....I am Dissapoint.
So are there any PreLoading Discs that will allow me to Play this Game on a NTSC System? Cause I'm totally Importing it now.
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"][QUOTE="funsohng"] Well to be fair SMG2 better than any Sony exclusives to date.SaltyMeatballs
If you say so :)
It's true. Deep down you know it.Did you really have to throw in the silly fanboy fodder? How about staying on topic. RAGE AGAINST NOA!!!I can't believe that crap like Neptunia and Last Rebellion makes it out here, but not this. cloudff7tm
Thats the difference between SONY and Nintendo when SONY didnt want to bring WKC2 to NA they let D3 publish it and when they didnt want to bring Demon's souls they let Atlus do it while Nintendo doesnt allow anyone to do it ==.
**** you Nintendo. Seriously.
If we don't get Fire Emblem 12 either I'm not gonna bother getting a 3DS at this point.
I just sent an email to NoA and I suggest people in this thread do as well. Nintendo's facebook page has gotten hundreds of postings from angry fans so I suggest we do the only thing we really can do, annoy the **** out of Nintendo until they do something.
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"][QUOTE="Luxen90"] Xenoblade isn't out in Europe yet, so I doubt ebay would be worth checking....It doesn't come out til Sept. Luxen90
Then where can I Pre-Order?
You can't at the moment(AFAIK), but once I know a site that has it available for pre ordering, I'll let you know, might make a thread about it or something I don't know.Thanks man. I'll apperciate it.
Might just Import a PAL Wii too while I'm at it.
I just sent an email to NoA and I suggest people in this thread do as well. Nintendo's facebook page has gotten hundreds of postings from angry fans so I suggest we do the only thing we really can do, annoy the **** out of Nintendo until they do something.
Did Nintendo just Block all Wall Posts on their Facebook?
Wow IGN users are taking this harshly.
They're actually going to send in Pen and Paper Letters to Nintendo of America about this.
Kotaku and Destructoid made reports about this.
Here's the post...
ok so a few of us have talked about this idea, but nobody has wanted to step up and take the leadership possition so i guess I have to atleast try
the concept: when TV shows are at risk of cancellation, groups of fans have managed to get the networks to bring them back by participating in campaigns that involve writing physical letters (not e-mail) and sending them to the network along with gifts that represent the cause.... in the case of "veronica mars" fans sent mars bars to UPN (and later the CW), in the case of "jericho" fans absolutely flooded CBS with nuts... so lets do the same kind of thing for these 3 games
the proposal: 3 separate campaigns... 1 for each game, all with unique target dates (we make a better impact if we plan our letters to arrive at around the same time)
what we need to make an impact: we need to absolutely flood nintendo of america, so send letters from as many addresses as you can, get friends to participate, and spread the word in any way possible
write a polite letter, pointing out the need for the game
optional item - miniature toy swords or cocktail swords
target date - July 11-13, 2011 (plan your letters to arrive around the 6th, not to ship on the 6th)
bellow is a letter template, but feel free to write your own, just try to be polite if possible
Dear Reggie,
As a fan of your company and of RPGs, I was extremely excited about the reveal of Monado which was later retitled Xenoblade. After it's reveal at E3 2008 it quickly became one of my most anticipated games for the Wii, and as more information, screens, and trailers were released my interest only expanded. I am deeply concerned that this game has no North American release planned, especially considering the sparse lineup on the wii in the next year. I have been a Loyal fan of this company for over 25 years, and yet there hasn't been a game worth getting on your console for nearly 8 months... and nothing on the horizon to be excited about besides Zelda, and yet Xenoblade sits completed, and soon to be localized for Europe in English. Please consider your company's fans, please bring Xenoblade to us.
(your name here - signed)
write a polite letter, pointing out the need for the game
optional item - a small book, a cover of a book, or the last page/chapter/epilogue of a book
target date - July 18-20, 2011 (plan your letters to arrive around the 13th, not to ship on the 13th)
bellow is a letter template, but feel free to write your own, just try to be polite if possible
Dear Reggie,
As a fan of your company and of RPGs, I was extremely excited about the reveal of the Last Story. Being a fan of Mistwalker and Hironobu Sakaguchi, it quickly became one of my most anticipated games for the Wii, and when the gorgeous art and impressive screens and trailers were released I only became more excited for the game. I am deeply concerned that this game has no North American release planned, especially considering the sparse lineup on the wii in the next year. I have been a Loyal fan of this company for over 25 years, and yet there hasn't been a game worth getting on your console for nearly 8 months... and nothing on the horizon to be excited about besides Zelda, and yet the Last Story sits completed. Please consider your company's fans, please bring the Last Story to us.
(your name here - signed)
write a polite letter, pointing out the need for the game
optional item - MEAT, preferably a dried meat such as Beef Jerky, Slim Jims, or Landjager (Hunter's Sausage)
target date - July 25-27, 2011 (plan your letters to arrive around the 20th, not to ship on the 20th)
bellow is a letter template, but feel free to write your own, just try to be polite if possible
Dear Reggie,
As a fan of your company and of games like Castlevania, I was extremely excited about the reveal of Pandora's Tower. From the initial cryptic reveal, to the delightfully twisted plot details that followed, I have been craving this game all year. I am deeply concerned that this game has no North American release planned, especially considering the sparse lineup on the wii in the next year. I have been a Loyal fan of this company for over 25 years, and yet there hasn't been a game worth getting on your console for nearly 8 months... and nothing on the horizon to be excited about besides Zelda, and yet Pandora's Tower sits completed. Please consider your company's fans, please bring Pandora's Tower to us.
(your name here - signed)
send your individual letters to:
Reginald Fils-Aime (President and COO)
c/o Nintendo of America
4820 150th Ave. Northeast
Redmond, WA 98052
spread the word.... if we flood their offices we might still have a chance at getting these games
so c'mon guys, lets do this
[link=http://twitter.com/#%21/OpRainfall]Linky link is linky[/link]
I think I might just do this. Even if it doesn't get the Games localized in America it'll still send a message to Nintendo that there's a Fanbase and They're not Clueless about The Games Released on the Wii.
I just sent an email to NoA and I suggest people in this thread do as well. Nintendo's facebook page has gotten hundreds of postings from angry fans so I suggest we do the only thing we really can do, annoy the **** out of Nintendo until they do something.
Did Nintendo just Block all Wall Posts on their Facebook?
No! You can still see the wall posts.The most recent post is from a couple of minutes ago.
Oh Sorry, I see now.
Hey Guys, Brilliant Idea for you NOA guys.
To send a real message to NOA that we Want this game is with our Wallets.
Pre-Order Monando over at Amazon. Right Here.
The Group behind this called Operation Rainfall. You can see about them here.
I pre-ordered, apparently the game is climbing Amazon's charts. Actually we should preorder multiple copies since you can cancel the preorders,Oh Sorry, I see now.
Hey Guys, Brilliant Idea for you NOA guys.
To send a real message to NOA that we Want this game is with our Wallets.
Pre-Order Monando over at Amazon. Right Here.
The Group behind this called Operation Rainfall. You can see about them here.
Did you guys that are raging buy Little King's Story, Sin & Punishment 2, Fragile Dreams, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and like games? If not then you're the reason why this stuff is happening.
Go buy Madden and Call of Duty #758469 and move along...
FE radiant and TOS2 yes I did actually...Did you guys that are raging buy Little King's Story, Sin & Punishment 2, Fragile Dreams, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and like games? If not then you're the reason why this stuff is happening.
Go buy Madden and Call of Duty #758469 and move along...
Did you guys that are raging buy Little King's Story, Sin & Punishment 2, Fragile Dreams, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and like games? If not then you're the reason why this stuff is happening.
Go buy Madden and Call of Duty #758469 and move along...
Sorry dude, Not only that but even though those games got ignored it's apparent that Xenoblade has a lot more Attention than those games have ever gotten.
Heck, the Last 2 Wii Games I've heard that has even got this much attention were
Tales of Graces (50,000 responses later PS3 International Release)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Fan Outcry to Capcom, Capcom of America worked through tooth and nail for Rights and Released it.)
Did you guys that are raging buy Little King's Story, Sin & Punishment 2, Fragile Dreams, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and like games? If not then you're the reason why this stuff is happening.
Go buy Madden and Call of Duty #758469 and move along...
Sorry dude, Not only that but even though those games got ignored it's apparent that Xenoblade has a lot more Attention than those games have ever gotten.
Heck, the Last 2 Wii Games I've heard that has even got this much attention were
Tales of Graces (50,000 responses later PS3 International Release)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Fan Outcry to Capcom, Capcom of America worked through tooth and nail for Rights and Released it.)
This is probably just a test and effort to light a fire under our asses, and it just might work. PR statements are not to be believed anyways.Please Log In to post.
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