I wish I could stop playing Zelda so I could get back to this game. I think I'm skipping on ME:A so that should help.
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I wish I could stop playing Zelda so I could get back to this game. I think I'm skipping on ME:A so that should help.
I said "allegedly" ;p
Oh my bad.
But yeah she isn't bad per say but well done? There's one character in the entire game I would say is well done and he's an asshole you physically see like once or twice. She is a decent/good protagonist but definitely not well done if you catch my drift.
That's just me though. Play it whenever you have some time and you'll be the judge. Knowing you I'm sure you won't think she's well done.
I think Aloy is okay, much better then the Andromeda Human models I say but this isn't saying much. Playing Kid Aloy reminds me of too much Naruto likeness.
I had a gorgeous moment last night when my Sawtooth was battling 3 Snapmaws. The sparks, explosions, and fire in the long grass highlighted by the setting sun was beautiful - stupid PS4 didn't save the video correctly :(
@Juub1990: Dude, it's amazing how much rage everyone feels at that asshole. Crazy how they nailed that character. Like, holy ****, in one of the final missions that rage also gets increased x10 with his 2-3 minute appareance.
I think it's mostly because he feels like many a people that actually do exist these days.
Not trying to spin this in a negative way, Horizon is a good game.
Despite you cows constantly bashing Xbox sales.. this is actually alarming to me.
That's a HUGE install base.
Just goes to show that the majority of gamers belong under a very large tent rather than very specific types of games that happen to have large fanbases. The Playstation fanbase is more of a conglomeration of many types of fanbases. This is why the 360 was able to succeed where the XBone fails. In order to get to the most gamers, you're going to need a lot of games. Games that stand out. Games that make the platform stand out. Microsoft's current 'one-size-fits-all' approach of smash hits is counterproductive to building their own coalition. It actually makes them easier to pick off with other consoles.
@FLOPPAGE_50: (looks to the left at) GameStop, and its over a Billion in profit they sell used games and millions of people buy used games play them and sell back to GameStop.
(Looks at Redbox) millions of people rent games for a few days then return them.
Other people use eBay, amazon..... To purchase games.
THUS Although it will sell several million, H:ZD will be resold and rented millions of times more.
I said "allegedly" ;p
Oh my bad.
But yeah she isn't bad per say but well done? There's one character in the entire game I would say is well done and he's an asshole you physically see like once or twice. She is a decent/good protagonist but definitely not well done if you catch my drift.
That's just me though. Play it whenever you have some time and you'll be the judge. Knowing you I'm sure you won't think she's well done.
You can't expect too much from games Desmonic likes, if he had it his way, there wouldn't even be game mechanics in video games.
@Zero_epyon: Oh yeah, the dude doing these gifs is clearly trying time and time again to get the camera right, get the right in-game daylight/moonlight, etc. He isn't playing the game "normally".
Right! But there are times where I stop and look, even take pics. I have to upload some of them at some point.
I had a gorgeous moment last night when my Sawtooth was battling 3 Snapmaws. The sparks, explosions, and fire in the long grass highlighted by the setting sun was beautiful - stupid PS4 didn't save the video correctly :(
that sucks about the recording. I love doing that though. Rooting for your robot to win against stacked odds. I did two Sawtooths vs 3 Behemoths. Lost one Sawtooth but the other pulled through with like 10% health left. It was amazing!
@Juub1990: Dude, it's amazing how much rage everyone feels at that asshole. Crazy how they nailed that character. Like, holy ****, in one of the final missions that rage also gets increased x10 with his 2-3 minute appareance.
I think it's mostly because he feels like many a people that actually do exist these days.
Yeah he's condescending and worst of all very passive aggressive. What I like is the fact he is very consistent, reveals more about himself over time and doesn't bow down to Aloy like everyone else. He recognizes her for what she truly is and what purpose she serves.
2.6 million sold through in 2 weeks is very impressive. Anyone trying to spin this as a negative is full of shit.
@davillain-: Congrats to the genuine fans and the dev, game looks good. Looks like a lot people are happy.....
Except maybe the silent, hardcore Killzone fans. The series fans that would buy every Killzone game on day 1, and who are not necessarily interested in this kind of game, those guys are probably disappointed.
That's why I dont necessarily agree fully about all the new IP and risk taking praise. I definitely think that is important to the industry, for sure, but there are always 2 sides to each coin. Killzone wasn't incredibly successful, at least as far as I know....to me it always looked interesting, and I'm sure it had its fan base. So it will be interesting what this dev does next, that's for sure.
Not knocking the number or Sony, 2.6 million is great for a new IP console history has shown. But you got to wonder what the hell are 50+ million gamers on PS4 doing? I can even say this for xbox too.
Seems like lot of gamers buy a console and it collects dust?
theres been a ton of games that have released in the past 2 months.....not like Horizon was the only title to come out so far in 2017.
We will have none of that common sense here in SW. You either worship one piece of plastic, or you are banned from SW. If you enjoy all the plastic, we will have your head.
We will have none of that common sense here in SW. You either worship one piece of plastic, or you are banned from SW. If you enjoy all the plastic, we will have your head.
"Enjoy" and "Xbox" go together like oil and water, LOL.
Play AAA games or play Ryse... wow tough choices!
PS4 once again leading the console market with NEW Franchises like Horizon/ NIOH/ & Nier Automata all selling like Hot Cakes on PS4. Gamers want to BUY games that are new & hot & fresh. Xbox u have..........Voodoo Vince & same OLD games from 2006 that flopped like Gears 4 & a BOAT game Ahahahaha.
PS4 gonna win NPD & keep the streak going. My goodness by end of the year PS4 will be at 70 million consoles sold. Europe is all PS4 town. Nintendo with Zelda selling like hot cakes. Splatoon 2 coming along with Mario Odyseey. My goodness! Ps4 & Nintendo are the place to be.
Xbox......LAST Place all thx to Phil Spencer & his PUNY exclusive games LOL
It shows how poor the history of Xbox is when they dig into the vault and the first thing they find is some obscure trash like Voodoo Vince. Without the acquisition of Rare (which they've done absolutely nothing notable with anyway) their list of owned IP would almost be completely unknown outside of Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable.
I'd love to be able to appreciate the graphics more during these situations. I'm just too busy trying not to die!
But I did unlock the super armor so maybe I can...
Honestly this armor kinda pisses me off. Makes very other armor pointless.
I came across a few mentions of this armour while I was playing the game and it sounded massively overpowered so I just avoided hunting down the power cells. Weird thing to put in the game though I suppose a lot of people don't know what it is or how to get it.
On topic: I'm delighted this game is selling well it shows other open world games of this ilk exactly how to make an interesting world with lots of excitement and great variety (including Witcher 3 which it annihilates in many ways outside of side quests) and I'll break my golden rule of not buying DLC when they release whatever they're working on.
Those of you dissing the sales might want to take a look at everything else that has recently been released on PS4. A lot of people can't afford to buy everything and don't have the time to play everything. People who haven't got Horizon yet I'm sure have it in their sights and will get around to it.
Sad times for gamers that folk can't just celebrate a really good new IP and instead put on their stupid fanboy hats to talk absolute bollocks. We wait with bated breath to discover what fantastic new gaming franchise Scorpio is going to bring to the table. Just don't hold that breath too long.
@NathanDrakeSwag: Halo, Gears, Fable, and Forza are multi million selling franchises, with critically acclaimed scores. The fact that you cows try to act like MS first party is so bad because they only have those games is not only laughable, but completely false, but you're a fucking Moron, so I expect nothing less. Also Kameo, and Viva Pinata? Rare made these games and they are loved dumbass. Stop spewing your false cow bs.
@NathanDrakeSwag: Halo, Gears, Fable, and Forza are multi million selling franchises, with critically acclaimed scores. The fact that you cows try to act like MS first party is so bad because they only have those games is not only laughable, but completely false, but you're a fucking Moron, so I expect nothing less. Also Kameo, and Viva Pinata? Rare made these games and they are loved dumbass. Stop spewing your false cow bs.
Halo and Gears are not half as popular as they were last gen and their scores have fallen from 90+ to low 80s. Fable is dead with its studio being shut down and not having a replacement. Forza is the only good franchise they have left.
And people don't say their first party sucks because of those franchises. Its because they don't even attempt to create any new IP and they literally only have 4 studios left.
Oh and Kameo? Really? You have to reach back to 2005 to find a notable game from Rare before they became Kinect slaves and all the talent left. Sad!
@NathanDrakeSwag: I'm just saying their first party was really damn good, and even in the 360 times people would say MS only has halo/gears/Forza/fable like it was a bad thing, it was also a false statement. But yeah MS first party isn't nearly as good now, they need more IPs, they need to take chances. Also at least MS is allowing rare to make a new IP, Sea Of Thieves. I love my Xbox one, but I'll admit this year PS4 is kicking its ass so far. But MS releases its big hitters during the holidays so we'll see if they come back to make it at least a decent year.
@primorandomguy: I can agree with that. Their first party was fine on the OG Xbox and at least for the first half of the 360. After Kinect's surprise success they really lost focus though. Alan Wake never getting a sequel, Rare only making Kinect Sports for so many years, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon only being one-offs, letting Bungie go and closing Lionhead were all big mistakes.
@NathanDrakeSwag: IDK if it was remedy's doing or MS' for not having an Alan Wake sequel, but **** whoever it was. Bungie left on their own accord, but as for the rest, yes you're right. it was definitely MS, and they weren't wise decisions.
@Douevenlift_bro: kinds like "Douevenlift_bro" and "smart" go together like oil and water, LOL
Such weak trolling. Ew
I did enjoy the game and im glad it did well. A little worried about all the female protagonist though. I dont prefer it.
Not knocking the number or Sony, 2.6 million is great for a new IP console history has shown. But you got to wonder what the hell are 50+ million gamers on PS4 doing? I can even say this for xbox too.
Seems like lot of gamers buy a console and it collects dust?
I'm playing Yakuza.
I'll be buying Persona 5, Nex Machina, and Matterfall for exclusives right away.
Will probably get Nier Automata and Gravity Rush 2 before this and this before Nioh.
Oh and there are a shit ton of pc and 3rd party games I want as well. Stuff like Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 3
Tons of indie games I want.
I'm hoping that Alienation goes on sale soon enough cuz I need that couch co op game
Knack 2 I'll end up getting cuz couch co op (not right away of course)
I'm also in a theatre production and an acting class that has performances of it's own + I'm going to be auditioning for camera work as well.
And catching up on tons of games as far as buying games that came out in 2016, stuff like the king of fighters xiv, world of final fantasy, alienation (mentioned), ratchet and clank, etc etc.
Not knocking the number or Sony, 2.6 million is great for a new IP console history has shown. But you got to wonder what the hell are 50+ million gamers on PS4 doing? I can even say this for xbox too.
Seems like lot of gamers buy a console and it collects dust?
Sony has more than Forza/Gears/Halo. What they're doing? Playing other games. Because you know? There's actual variety on the system.
I love to see a study to see if thats true. MS and Sony should really get together and pay for a study to find out why million of gamers don't buy their games? Is it pricing, not their type of game, lost interest in the console after buying it?
Why would you need a study for something this obvious? When you have choice, you tend to try a bunch of games. When you have nothing else but Halo, you buy that yearly Halo and tell yourself you're enjoying it as much as you did 15 years ago.
I'm playing Yakuza 0.
I'm going to buy nier automata and gravity rush 2 as far as exclusives before this game and I'll sure buy multiple other games as well. The game looks good but there are so many other games I'd prefer to play.
Tons of 2016 games I have to get that are cheaper now. Yakuza Kiwami around the corner.
Nex machina around the corner
matterfall around the corner
Ni no Kuni 2 around the corner
persona 5 around the corner
acting shit around the corner
I'll get to it eventually but I still need to do crab like alienation, ratchet and clank, the king of fighters xiv, world of final fantasy, and tons of other games first. I certainly buy games.
Ouch! Cows didn't have any argument to bring against PC to defend their pathetic plastic box to begin with but ever since they heard the news that PC just snatched all their non-games, they are extra butthurt. Such a shame. You calling me a lem changes nothing. LOL consoles and that means LOL Sony as a company.
Remain butthurt that Garbage Games have never made a decent title since inception. From Shellshock to Horizon - all garbage titles.
Yay, Garbage Games are saved from closure and will at least release another garbage.
Are you talking about Crytek? because that is the one i heard is in trouble..hahahahaaa
I guess, it was Sony who's in trouble. How many buildings and divisions did it sell out in the last some years? Oh that's right they are on life support and PS is keeping them afloat. No wonder they are trying their level best to prolong the console life by introducing Pro but alas console gaming is dying and they themselves knowing the time have put their games on PC. LMAO!
Here fake hermit wipe away is in your favorite color to green..lol
Flip flop...flip flop! Poor El-Tomato, how times have changed. I remember an idiot challenging PC directly but are now even afraid to mention the very word. I mean just look how PC have curb stomp the pathetic consoles, you can't utter it for the fear of how would it do to the brand this time after snatching all console exclusives. LMAO, you have no other option but to resort to calling me a lem.
Ouch! Cows didn't have any argument to bring against PC to defend their pathetic plastic box to begin with but ever since they heard the news that PC just snatched all their non-games, they are extra butthurt. Such a shame. You calling me a lem changes nothing. LOL consoles and that means LOL Sony as a company.
Remain butthurt that Garbage Games have never made a decent title since inception. From Shellshock to Horizon - all garbage titles.
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