@Willy105: However, that ignores the fact that a big number (most of?) of posters in that very thread were defending John, and they aren't banned or anything, including John. Why aren't they banned if discussion is one sided? Usually people are banned for promoting bigotry or harassment or other things like that, which is also bannable here. Derailment is also not allowed here either.
People weren't banned because they were coming to the defense of John, which was independent of the controversy of which he was being falsely accused of enabling. He wasn't advocating for any position, hence the absence of bans coming to his defense. But people were banned for coming to his defense by making the merest suggestion of a position that challenges the presupposition of bigotry by Era on the part of the developers, such as this:
"Keep up the good work, John. I know it's hard to read shit like this when it's aimed to you for nothing. But don't let this get to you. The concept of separating art from politics can be tough for some people, but the best course of action is just to ignore them."
BAN. Reason? "Rhetoric rationalizing bigotry". Explain that to me. This ban is predicated upon a presumption that isn't even allowed to be debated or established on their forum; the so-called "bigotry" is treated as a given from the get-go. Hence a one-sided discussion. And I, for one, don't believe what was done by the developers with Ion Fury is indicative of bigotry at all. At the absolute worst, I would lay ignorance at their feet and poking fun, which people need to grow a thicker skin about if they get their feathers in a ruffle over a pixelated "OGay" bottle in the game. That is a far cry from actual bigots who make concerted efforts to hold malice towards these demographics and attempt to destroy them and their rights as individuals.
As for derailment, that was allowed in that thread. The mods did nothing to keep it on topic.
@Jag85: Either way, my point still stands. Most gaming discussions have nothing to do with politics. They don't here on SW and neither do most gaming discussions over at Era. While there are some politically-driven controversies here and there, you might not even notice them unless you're actively looking for it. I'm a fan of Linneman's videos (mainly his DF Retro stuff), yet I wasn't aware of his Era controversy until this thread. And it's not like he got banned, but he still has his account at Era. I still think you're exaggerating this issue way out of proportion.
Tell that to John. I don't think your point stands at all when you defend the forum for its excellent gaming discussion while belittling or outright ignoring the running off of predominant figures within the industry that afford that type of discussion due to factors that I'm taking issue with.
I'm not blowing it out of proportion, I'm simply aware of it.
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