@emgesp: The Wii U failed because it was too far ahead of time; Marty Mcfly played an electric guitar and all the people from the 1950's didn't understand.
That analogy actually gave me a chuckle.
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform versions of games which might lead NX to be a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this but i cant think of NX price tag being competitive if they want to provide a system that will challenge PS4 while at the same time offer fancy stuff.
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
Its like Nintendo were trying to catch up PS4/X1 and they never expected a PS4.5 / X1.5. I think they trying to build a solid exclusive library before they reveal NX because i think if they reveal NX alone will feel WAY TOO underwhelming vs PS4.5/X1.5 as raw hardware specs , not to say that it wont be able to compete with PS4 head to head and will lose huge momentum.
Too many fancy stuff for NX to keep the price similar to PS4 and offer as good as PS4s hardware. I hope im wrong , time will tell...
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
Its like Nintendo were trying to catch up PS4/X1 and they never expected a PS4.5 / X1.5. I think they trying to build a solid exclusive library before they reveal NX because i think if they reveal NX alone will feel WAY TOO underwhelming vs PS4.5/X1.5 as raw hardware specs , not to say that it wont be able to compete with PS4 head to head and will lose huge momentum.
Too many fancy stuff for NX to keep the price similar to PS4 and offer as good as PS4s hardware. I hope im wrong , time will tell...
It depends if NVIDIA can tolerate AMD's margins for +300 mm^ size chips at rock bottom prices
Terga X1's chip size slightly larger than K1's estimated 121 mm^2 chip size and NVIDIA charging $199 Shield TV with 16 MB storage.
Wii U's main chip size = 146 mm^2 (doesn't include the tiny PowerPC G3+ cores)
XBO's chip size = 363 mm^2
PS4's chip size = 348 mm^2 (GPU size is ~212 mm^2)
NEO... Polaris 10's chip size is around 232 mm^2 (just the GPU)
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
According to recent Nintendo talk, the NX is all about the gimmick with terms like, "a new way to game." We shall see what they have up their sleeves when they make an official announcement.
I can see it succeeding if they work keep working on their grand vision. Leveraging theme parks, movies and their mobile initiative to keep brand awareness alive, and follow through with a Nintendo service that people will want. For example, virtual console on a subscription, cross buy on their handheld and console, etc.
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
Not at a $299.99 price point it won't. If there is some fancy gimmick as you say then Nintendo will prioritize that. Not to mention Nintendo expects to make a profit on the hardware. I don't understand why Nintendo wants to pull a Wii U 2.0. They got a taste of that success with the original Wii and they will drive them selves into the ground trying to achieve that level of success again.
IMHO, they need to just make the best box they can at a $299.99 - $349.99 price point without some stupid gimmick holding back the console. Money Hat the shit out of third party developers to get some worthwhile exclusive deals and I don't mean DLC crap. Also, start creating 1st party games that appeals to people outside the Nintendo fan base.
I can see it succeeding if they work keep working on their grand vision. Leveraging theme parks, movies and their mobile initiative to keep brand awareness alive, and follow through with a Nintendo service that people will want. For example, virtual console on a subscription, cross buy on their handheld and console, etc.
This seems to be the most reasonable.
Nintendo is creating an Ecosystem for brand awareness. They won't rely on hardware and software alone.
They need new IPS that appeal to people outside of nintendo to be successful. I'm talking exclusive games like call of duty, destiny, grand theft auto, assassins creed, last of us, uncharted, forza, gears, halo. Games that appeal to a different audience than mario, donkey kong or Zelda. Imagine if they have their traditional franchises which sell millions, on top of new IPs like the ones I previously mentioned, and those sell millions to an entirely new audience. $$$$$$$$$
@emgesp: Cause itll be different exclusives.
My doubt with this statement lays w/ Nintendo's crazy long development times for their established IPs for their consoles. They may be different exclusives, but when? 2-3 years into its lifecycle? They need these IPs at or shortly after launch.
Who said it was going to cost $299? I have a hunch it will retail for at least $349 if not $399....at least I hope..
Another hunch is that ol' Emily has no clue what she is talking about.
the main thing it needs is exclusive games that appeal to more than just nintendo fans. that, more than anything, is the most important thing. horsepower, online services..these are irrelevant really. no one is going to buy an NX for the eshop or just because its more powerful.
how can they attract PS4, PC and X1 gamers? how can they attract lapsed gamers, X wii gamers and people who dont currently play games?
games sell hardware and games exclusive to the NX that appeal to people will sell NXs no matter what it is.
the wiiu failed, ultimately, because it lacked the games that get peoples attention. it wasnt just the gamepad or the lack of horsepower or lack of online features. it did nay have the games.
A $1000 Xbox2 sold at $399...
With EA and Activision building new engines EXCLUSIVLY for the new MS box and simply slamming last gen ports to the PS neo things will turn against sony...
If average dudebro sniffs out that Xbox is the only platform to gets his NEXT GEN fix it will be all over
No one can compete with Sony in their current state. They are just destroying the competition at this point. Not even a $299 NX can stop them.
you must be on crack to believe something that stupid. lol. Give me a damn break.
A $1000 Xbox2 sold at $399...
With EA and Activision building new engines EXCLUSIVLY for the new MS box and simply slamming last gen ports to the PS neo things will turn against sony...
If average dudebro sniffs out that Xbox is the only platform to gets his NEXT GEN fix it will be all over
No one can compete with Sony in their current state. They are just destroying the competition at this point. Not even a $299 NX can stop them.
Stop smoking crack son.
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
You're not going to see Neo at E3. Also, I don't know how you can say that they're not confident without knowing why they decided to skip it. If they thought that the reveal wouldn't go well and they needed more time, that's how it is. Is it really a good idea to rush and potentially botch a reveal just to get it out in time for E3? Would a repeat of this really help them in the long run?
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
You're not going to see Neo at E3. Also, I don't know how you can say that they're not confident without knowing why they decided to skip it. If they thought that the reveal wouldn't go well and they needed more time, that's how it is. Is it really a good idea to rush and potentially botch a reveal just to get it out in time for E3? Would a repeat of this really help them in the long run?
They aren't going to wait until Playstation event. E3 makes the most sense.
@emgesp: But, there is that report saying both companies will unveil the Neo and NX at Tokyo Game Show.
Ill tell it once again !
My concern ( and prediction if you want if rumors about fancy stuff are ture ) is that with NINTENDO focusing again on providing fancy controller and other fancy stuff ( screens on controller for example ) while at the same time they have to keep price as close to competition as possible in order to compete with the already established systems , how on earth their hardware will keep up ?
You cant offer fancy stuff and screens on controllers and this and that and at the same time having as powerful hardware as PS4 while at the same time having the same price tag ! Something doesnt fit and im afraid , NX wont be the system that everyone is waiting for but another "low end" system with 3 years lifespan before it enters life support while it might be missing majority of 3rd party multis and if not , it might end up with the WORSE multiplatform version of game which lead NX to be , once again , a secondary platform.
Time will tell if im right but something is not right here , i dont know. Im waiting for NX reveal to be sure about this.
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
You're not going to see Neo at E3. Also, I don't know how you can say that they're not confident without knowing why they decided to skip it. If they thought that the reveal wouldn't go well and they needed more time, that's how it is. Is it really a good idea to rush and potentially botch a reveal just to get it out in time for E3? Would a repeat of this really help them in the long run?
They aren't going to wait until Playstation event. E3 makes the most sense.
You have to remember that this is not a new console, but rather a revision with more power. Revealing it too early will hurt sales of the current model, so they'll want to reveal it a bit closer to launch.
@emgesp: But, there is that report saying both companies will unveil the Neo and NX at Tokyo Game Show.
That information is purely based on conjecture, not from any inside sources. Home consoles are less relevant in Japan, so why would anyone reveal home consoles at such an event?
Yeah, I think a no show at E3 shows Nintendo is not confident in the product. They should start building hype as soon as possible, but we have to wait like late summer/early fall for a full reveal. The PS4 Neo and possible Xbox Next reveals at E3 is going to kill Nintendo's thunder even if they wait to have their own special event. People will have already made their minds by then and just go with the Neo or Xbox Next. NX is going to be a mouse fart in comparison.
You're not going to see Neo at E3. Also, I don't know how you can say that they're not confident without knowing why they decided to skip it. If they thought that the reveal wouldn't go well and they needed more time, that's how it is. Is it really a good idea to rush and potentially botch a reveal just to get it out in time for E3? Would a repeat of this really help them in the long run?
They aren't going to wait until Playstation event. E3 makes the most sense.
You have to remember that this is not a new console, but rather a revision with more power. Revealing it too early will hurt sales of the current model, so they'll want to reveal it a bit closer to launch.
Well there is not really an event that makes sense between E3 and the Playstation annual event. Nobody is going to unveil new home console hardware at TGS which is a Japanese focused event. Also, how is it going to hurt sales of the current console when the price is likely going to be more expensive?
They will announce a price drop for the OG PS4 before the PS4 Neo is released, so its not going to hurt sales.
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would NOT be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
Having a small and thin case design has it's own value.
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
Having a small and thin case design has it's own value.
I don't understand why Nintendo has such an affinity with small form factors and low power consuming boxes. Consumers in general don't care about power consumption and the size of consoles. That has never been a selling factor, so why is Nintendo so hell bent on the idea?
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
Having a small and thin case design has it's own value.
I don't understand why Nintendo has such an affinity with small form factors and low power consuming boxes. Consumers in general don't care about power consumption and the size of consoles. That has never been a selling factor, so why is Nintendo so hell bent on the idea?
Wii U is not thin enough....
Revised post.
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would NOT be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
if the NX is similar in power to the PS4 Neo or whatever it's called, then it would have an advantage in that it wouldn't have the restriction of the Neo. The Neo is not allowed to have games that don't work on the PS4. So there might be some PC game that needs something the PS4 doesn't have, but could be ported to the NX.
Although, the other thing there is that we would have to be incredibly naive to believe that Sony would actually stick to that promise that the Neo will never exclusive software from the ps4.
If the NX is similar in power to the Xbone, then I'm not sure what the point would be. I like Nintendo games, so if the NX had all those first party games, as well as at least most third party games between ps4 and xbone, then there is some appeal there. But I would say that it would not be enough to make any kind of mainstream impact.
The PS4 is the exception, not the rule. Graphics don't sell consoles. Hell, even games don't sell consoles.
PR, ads, and over all media attention is what sells consoles.
The Wii did this. The PS4 did this. Nintendo needs to get that formula working for them. If the NX can look like an exciting new gadget they are in the clear.
But we need to stop this myth that games and power sell consoles. They don't. You buy what your friends buy and they only bought it because it somehow looked cool.
They need new IPS that appeal to people outside of nintendo to be successful. I'm talking exclusive games like call of duty, destiny, grand theft auto, assassins creed, last of us, uncharted, forza, gears, halo. Games that appeal to a different audience than mario, donkey kong or Zelda. Imagine if they have their traditional franchises which sell millions, on top of new IPs like the ones I previously mentioned, and those sell millions to an entirely new audience. $$$$$$$$$
Another myth: New IP's sell consoles. No, no they don't. New IP's barely sell. People don't want anything new. They want old familiar things or new things that remind them of old familiar things. Splatoon didn't exactly help Wii U sell another ten million consoles now did it?
Compete ? LOL The Xbox DONE and PS4 Neo will be NO competition AT ALL for the New Nintendo, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what their talking about.
Nintendo has always revolutionized the gaming industry in some way with such innovations like the analog stick, motion controls, 3D, and they will do it again, and it might be a mystery now but when it releases everyone will be blown away.
@Bread_or_Decide: Splatoon is also not a game that would have helped gain new fans and buyers, it was designed to specially appeal to the nintendo crowd.
Let's see how a game in the style of witcher 3 or last of us fairs exclusively on nintendos next console. I bet it would open the doors to a whole bunch of new consumers if it was good enough
@Bread_or_Decide: Splatoon is also not a game that would have helped gain new fans and buyers, it was designed to specially appeal to the nintendo crowd.
Let's see how a game in the style of witcher 3 or last of us fairs exclusively on nintendos next console. I bet it would open the doors to a whole bunch of new consumers if it was good enough
Nintendo doesn't need new older consumers. They need to get the kids via their tried and true line up of kid friendly icons. Appealing to the fans of the last of us is pointless and would be a waste of time. Those "fans" are fans of nothing. And they've already made up their minds about Nintendo.
Get the kids. Like cigarettes. That's the future of your product sales. Not the ones dying from cancer.
@Bread_or_Decide: I don't understand this mentality. As a business, you thrive by getting the attention of everyone. That's an insane thing to say, considering the average gamer is 30 years old. Nintendo needs to create new franchises that appeal to all types of people outside of the current nintendo fanbase
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
Having a small and thin case design has it's own value.
I don't understand why Nintendo has such an affinity with small form factors and low power consuming boxes. Consumers in general don't care about power consumption and the size of consoles. That has never been a selling factor, so why is Nintendo so hell bent on the idea?
I am not a computer geek in any sense of the word, but small form factor in the computer world is a sign of technological sophistication and state of the art. I was once told that the first computers were the size of a room, and when hand-sized electronic calculators became common devices the calculators had more computational power than the original computers. This may be a myth, and others around here could for sure explain it more precisely. Obviously, our cell phones can do more now than the large desktops could in the early 1980's. That smaller chips are able to do so much is kind-of miraculous, right? Smaller consoles are kind of interesting when you think about it.
The PS4 is the exception, not the rule. Graphics don't sell consoles. Hell, even games don't sell consoles.
PR, ads, and over all media attention is what sells consoles.
The Wii did this. The PS4 did this. Nintendo needs to get that formula working for them. If the NX can look like an exciting new gadget they are in the clear.
But we need to stop this myth that games and power sell consoles. They don't. You buy what your friends buy and they only bought it because it somehow looked cool.
Well said.
So you think we might see NX being on par with PS4 as hardware specs PLUS all the fancy stuff for same price tag ?
We talking about Nintendo here , a company that keeping their life support consoles prices as high as possible and their 3-4 years old games full price ! Theres no way for NX to offer way more with same or lower price .
From https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/so-about-nx/
In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit.
If NX has XBO's level power, Emily would be stating "Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit."
Having a small and thin case design has it's own value.
I don't understand why Nintendo has such an affinity with small form factors and low power consuming boxes. Consumers in general don't care about power consumption and the size of consoles. That has never been a selling factor, so why is Nintendo so hell bent on the idea?
I am not a computer geek in any sense of the word, but small form factor in the computer world is a sign of technological sophistication and state of the art. I was once told that the first computers were the size of a room, and when hand-sized electronic calculators became common devices the calculators had more computational power than the original computers. This may be a myth, and others around here could for sure explain it more precisely. Obviously, our cell phones can do more now than the large desktops could in the early 1980's. That smaller chips are able to do so much is kind-of miraculous, right? Smaller consoles are kind of interesting when you think about it.
Desktop PC's CPUs and GPUs didn't stand still.
Thin and small form factors has other values.
Microsoft's Surface Pro 5 has will have Intel "Kaby Lake" to take on the successor to NVIDIA's TX1.
The PS4 is the exception, not the rule. Graphics don't sell consoles. Hell, even games don't sell consoles.
PR, ads, and over all media attention is what sells consoles.
The Wii did this. The PS4 did this. Nintendo needs to get that formula working for them. If the NX can look like an exciting new gadget they are in the clear.
But we need to stop this myth that games and power sell consoles. They don't. You buy what your friends buy and they only bought it because it somehow looked cool.
Well said.
Not really well said.
The main factor PS4 was selling VS X1 and Wii U , with NO GAMES ( do you remember when everyone was laughing to PS4 ? ) was mainly the power difference for its price.
Power and overall capabilities with the right price nowdays is a must . Games ofc is the number 1 factor but care to tell me then if its only games and noone cares about anything else why Wii U is dead and couldnt compete when PS4 had nothing to compete with Nintendos games 2 years ago ?
So , was it really well said ? I think not because results proves otherwise.
The PS4 is a good console, and I am glad that it is doing so well. Power/Graphics are one factor that is important and need to be balanced with other desirable factors based on the needs and preferences of individuals. Some gamers such as I have been slow to adopt small form factor and smart devices. Some advantages to small form factor for gaming include more HMI (Human Machine Interface), small system dimensions, lower power consumption, and portability. Gaming on the go has been a big success as evidenced by DS/3DS, smartphones, and tablets.
The PS4 is the exception, not the rule. Graphics don't sell consoles. Hell, even games don't sell consoles.
PR, ads, and over all media attention is what sells consoles.
The Wii did this. The PS4 did this. Nintendo needs to get that formula working for them. If the NX can look like an exciting new gadget they are in the clear.
But we need to stop this myth that games and power sell consoles. They don't. You buy what your friends buy and they only bought it because it somehow looked cool.
Graphics have always mattered to a certain level. PS2 wasn't the most powerful 6th gen console, but it wasn't a gen behind like the Wii U. The PS2 still reached a certain standard of performance that people were expecting, Wii U did not.
The only time you can get away with very underpowered hardware is if you have a gimmick that brings in the casuals a la OG Wii.
If NX is only as powerful or slightly weaker than the XB1 and doesn't have an enticing gimmick to bring in the casuals then its going to sell just as bad or worse than the Wii U.
They need new IPS that appeal to people outside of nintendo to be successful. I'm talking exclusive games like call of duty, destiny, grand theft auto, assassins creed, last of us, uncharted, forza, gears, halo. Games that appeal to a different audience than mario, donkey kong or Zelda. Imagine if they have their traditional franchises which sell millions, on top of new IPs like the ones I previously mentioned, and those sell millions to an entirely new audience. $$$$$$$$$
Another myth: New IP's sell consoles. No, no they don't. New IP's barely sell. People don't want anything new. They want old familiar things or new things that remind them of old familiar things. Splatoon didn't exactly help Wii U sell another ten million consoles now did it?
Because Splatoon only appeals to the Nintendo fan base. That's why Nintendo needs to create new IP's that appeals to people outside of Nintendo's hardcore fan base. Nintendo's main priority with the NX should be figuring out how to get PS4/XB1/PC owners on board. Just focusing on the same tired IP's isn't the answer.
Compete ? LOL The Xbox DONE and PS4 Neo will be NO competition AT ALL for the New Nintendo, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what their talking about.
Nintendo has always revolutionized the gaming industry in some way with such innovations like the analog stick, motion controls, 3D, and they will do it again, and it might be a mystery now but when it releases everyone will be blown away.
Yeah because everyone was blown away with the Wii U.
How did the NES compete with the Sega Genesis? Why didnt 3DO grab the market from Sega and Nintendo? Oh yeah, they are called games.
How did the NES compete with the Sega Genesis? Why didnt 3DO grab the market from Sega and Nintendo? Oh yeah, they are called games.
NES came out like 4 - 5 yrs before the Genesis. Anyways, Sega Genesis took some of Nintendo's install base as the SNES didn't manage to sell as well as the NES. Also, 3DO didn't grab the market because it retailed for $700.
So then you must agree that the Wii U has the weakest game library as it sold the worst.
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