I said Halo3 had a bad campaign, that is an opinion. It's SW, you should know what an opinion is. Get outside of your moms box if you can't handle the real world where people express different opinions.
If I say "Blue is the best color" that is an opinion clearly, same goes for "Halo 3 has a dirt campagin" that is obviously an opinion. There is no surpreame judge who decides that is a fact, it's an obvious an opinion.
Why would I care about what your opinion of Halo 3 is? If you like it then good for you. I however hate the campaign, it's short, little variety, and it just felt like Halo 2.5. If that makes you butthurt too bad, grow up and learn that there are different opinions.
People call Uncharted a movie all the time on here, do I care? No. I just tell them I think they are wrong and move on.
What you said...
I thought Halo 3 had a crap campaign, not even worth replaying through.I'm right, sorry pal. You can enjoy playing a bad tacked on 5 hour campaign that everyone will forget about once it's done and just play MP.
If it's like Reach it might be good, but even then that one wasn't amazing. Only great Halo campaign was the orgional, the rest is just tacked on.
That is an opinion stated as opinion. That is an opinion stated as fact. The last sentence could go either way, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I think Halo 3 campaign was pretty poor myself. From experience, it had some highs, alot of lows and one level I absolutely despised. But this has nothing to do with what I think of Halo 3, I didn't even mention Halo 3. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of Halo 3. Why did you even bring up Halo 3?:| I just think your attempt to hide behind your opinion after stating it as fact is lolworthy.
You want to use your opinion as fact? Then prepare to have it torn down. Or else, learn how to tailor your responses so that what you type is what you mean.
It's an opinion that I expressed as an opinion. Want to hear another one? "US Health Care sucks" How about another one? "Halo 3's campaign sucks" Yep some good opinions there.
You remind me of the PC police, it's known as politcal correctness. These are people who get SO offended over any little thing that one expresses. You can't say that, you have to say this instead. It's just another version of censorship. Taking away my 1st amendment God given RIGHT to express myself. And I hate it.
Here is a fact for ya "I have the right to express my opinion how I deem fit, and if it upsets you then stop being a pvssy and grow some balls".
This is America I can say what I want, my ancestors didn't immigrate here from fleeing the oppression in Europe and joined the US Army to fight the Nazis so my freedom of speech can be censored by some moron on the internet.
I have no hard feellings toward any of you. But this policitical correctness and telling people they can't express an OBVIOUS opinion is just wrong.
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